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搭载NU发动机的ix35和第八代索纳塔不断遭到车主的投诉,但作为涉事企业的北京现代却是一直坚称并未发现该发动机存在问题。实际上,近年来包括ix35在内的北京现代旗下的多款汽车都曾因各种原因而召回。意图冲击年度销售百万辆的北京现代,再一次在产品质量问题上遭遇新的信任危机。近期,汽车投诉网上有关北京现代发动机问题的投诉逐渐增多。据了解,部分北京现代车型出现大面积的冷启动发动机异响现象,这一呈现普遍性问题的投诉,主要集中在ix35和第八代索纳塔上。 Ix35 equipped with NU engine and Sonata eighth generation Sonata has been the owner’s complaints, but as a matter of Beijing Hyundai has always insisted that the engine did not find the existence of problems. In fact, in recent years, many models of Beijing Hyundai including ix35 have been recalled for various reasons. Beijing Hyundai, which intends to hit an annual sales of 1 million units, once again encountered a new crisis of confidence in product quality issues. Recently, the number of complaints filed online by the car about the modern engine in Beijing has been on the increase. It is understood that some large modern Beijing Hyundai models cold start engine abnormal sound phenomenon, the complaint of the prevalence of the problem, mainly in the ix35 and the eighth generation Sonata.
This study was undertaken to determi ne the relative con-tribution of abnormal pregravid maternal body habitus and diabetes on the prevalence of large -for -ges
郭店简“君子贵诚之”属儒家子思一派,所论与《中庸》相通。 Guodian Jane “gentleman noble” is a Confucian school of thought, with the “golden mean” connected.
20 0 1年 3月驻马店市文物工作队对正阳县李冢汉墓群 5号和 6号墓进行了发掘。墓中出土随葬品有陶器、铜器、铁器和石器等。此次发掘为进一步研究这一地区东汉时期的社会历史
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研究人员在近日的《新英格兰医学杂志》上报告说,降低有罹患脑损伤风险的婴儿的体温有助于持久预防此类伤害。英国伦敦大学国王学院新生儿学家Denis Azzopardi领导的团队降低