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不少部门、单位都有接待室,接受群众投诉和人民来访。诉者、访者无非是要求解决一些实际问题,或是反映某方面的情况。接待室人员直接与群众见面,从主体上讲,是展示本部的一个窗口;从客体上讲,也是了解社情民意的一个渠道。最近中央专门召开全国信访工作会议,希望把面对最广大群众的这项工作搞得更好。但也有的单位对接待工作不够重视,甚至拿接待室当挡箭牌。比如说,你有了麻烦,或胸怀不平,而这个问题非部门和单位领导出面解决不可,因此想直陈领导。但是,接待室说,得先登记预约;登记了,又好久不见动静。这里急如薪火,他那里漫不经心。以前说门难进、脸难看、事难办,现在前二难大概有了缓解,但解决第三难却非一日之 Many departments and units have reception rooms to accept mass complaints and people’s visits. The petitioner and the interviewer are nothing more than asking for some practical problems or reflecting some aspect of the situation. The reception room personnel directly meet with the masses and speaking from the main body is a window displaying the headquarters. From an objective perspective, it is also a channel for understanding social conditions and public opinions. Recently, the Central Government held a special conference on letters and visits across the country, hoping that the work facing the broadest masses will be made even better. However, some units do not pay enough attention to the reception work and even take the reception room as a shield. For example, you have trouble, or uneasy, and this issue is not the department and unit leaders come forward to resolve, so I want to be frank. However, the reception room said that it is necessary to register first; registered, and for a long time no movement. There was an urgent need to pay for the fire and he was careless. In the past that the door difficult to enter, ugly face, things difficult to do, there are probably some relief before the second dilemma, but not the third to solve the third day
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