A Semantic Web model of GO and its annotations

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanxuexiao
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There are some drawbacks in Resource Description Framework(RDF) data file provided by GO consortium,which are not fit for providing complex semantic query and inference services.In this paper,we propose a semantic web model GORouter,which encodes heterogeneous original data in a uniform RDF format,creates additional ontology mappings between GO terms,and introduces a set of inference rulebases.Furthermore,we use the Oracle Network Data Model(NDM) as the native RDF data repository and the table function RDF_MATCH to seamlessly combine the result of RDF queries with traditional relational data.GORouter is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0,and is accessible via the website:http://www.scbit.org/gorouter/. There are some drawbacks in Resource Description Framework (RDF) data file provided by GO consortium, which are not fit for providing complex semantic query and inference services. This paper, we propose a semantic web model GORouter, which encodes heterogeneous original data in a uniform RDF format, creates additional ontology mappings between GO terms, and introduces a set of inference rulebases. Futurertherm, we use the Oracle Network Data Model (NDM) as the native RDF data repository and the table function RDF_MATCH to seamlessly combine the result of RDF queries with traditional relational data .GORouter is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0, and is accessible via the website: http://www.scbit.org/gorouter/.
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