
来源 :中国油画 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zalatan
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我喜欢绘画,因为画画时我很快乐。当然也有画不好的痛苦。不过这种痛苦是为享受画好后的愉快所必须付出的。这与不愿干这事儿但为其他因素所迫,而不得不干的痛苦是两码事儿。就像曾经流行的一句话“痛苦并快乐着”。这有点儿像足球比赛,场上22个爷们儿在一万多平米的场地上辗转腾挪,拼着命要将直径22厘米的足球送进对方的大门。场内上万名观众,摇旗呐喊,擂鼓助威,震耳欲 I like drawing because I am happy when drawing. Of course, there is painful pain. However, this pain is necessary to enjoy the pleasure of painting. This is a two-fold difference from the unwillingness to do this but forced by other factors. Like the once popular phrase “painful and happy ”. This is a bit like a football game, where 22 grandfather children tumbled over more than 10,000 square meters of venues and struggled to push 22-centimeter-diameter football into each other’s doors. Tens of thousands of spectators on the venue, shaking their brains cheer, cheer drums cheerfully
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