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五月十四日,兴化城东小学六丙中队第一小队去访问了一位参加劳动生产的同学王春生。他是去年暑期在城东小学毕业的,毕业後,没有考取初中,起初他心里很难过,後来在总路线的光辉照耀下,认识到劳动生产是一条光明的道路,便参加手工业生产——做了一个篾匠。在访问会上,他告诉同学们说:‘在我毕业的时候,满怀升学的信心去投考中学。考不取後,内心非常难过,对前途悲观失望。一直到开展总路线学习以後,我的思想才有了转变,懂得升学或劳动生产都是为了祖国的建设。同时,我也想到以前老师常教导我们说:生长在毛泽东时代的少年儿童,应该随时服从祖国的需要,因此,我就请人介绍到竹厂中参加生产了。’在生产中,他亲身体验到劳动的伟大与光荣。 On May 14, the first team of Liuping Squadron, Xinghua Chengdong Elementary School, visited Wang Chunsheng, a classmate who attended labor production. He graduated from Chengdong Primary School in the summer of last year. After graduation, he did not qualify for junior high school. At first he felt very sad. Later, under the shining rays of the general route, he realized that labor production is a bright road and took part in handicraft production. A 篾 Carpenter. During the visit, he told his classmates: ’When I graduated, I was filled with the confidence of going to school to go to secondary schools. After the test is not taken, the heart is very sad, pessimistic about the future disappointment. It was not until after carrying out the study of the general route that my thinking had changed. I knew that going to higher education or labor production was for the motherland’s construction. At the same time, I also think that teachers used to teach us that the young children who grew up in Mao Tse-tung should always follow the needs of their motherland. Therefore, I asked people to introduce them to the bamboo factory to participate in the production. In production, he experienced the greatness and glory of labor.
矢尖蚧是柑桔的一种主要害虫。以成、若虫危害柑桔的枝、叶和果实。柑桔受害后,使叶面变黄。发生严重危害时,叶片枯焦卷曲,枝条枯死,甚至造成整株死亡。 用6%~7.5%的石灰水,或4
开学之初,拟订各科教学计划时,我们曾召集四、六年级班主任、科任共同商量复习指导工作,大家对这一工作的重要性有相当认识,但同时也存在着以下各种思想: 1一定程度的指导儿
本文结合实际病例,对2例抗精病药物所致恶性综合征患者的治疗经验进行总结。 第1例患者年龄大,营养状况不佳,发病后拒进食水,合并多种躯体疾病,口服利培酮,肌注氟哌啶醇虽然剂量