增加卫生投入 加快卫生发展

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1996年12月份由党中央、国务院召开的全国卫生工作会议,是一次非常重要的会议。它对全国卫生事业的改革与发展带来一次千载难逢的机遇。卫生部门要借这次会议东风,抓住影响卫生事业发展的突出问题——财政资金投入少,大造社会舆论,争取财政投入有较大增加,促进卫生事业发展,以适应社会和经济发展的需要。 在全国卫生工作会议上,江泽民主席指出:各级党委和政府要把卫生工作纳入经济和社会发展的总体规划,列入重要议事日程,增加对卫生事业的投入,切实保证卫生事业同经济、社会的协调发展。李鹏总理指出:各级政府对卫生事业的投入,还远远不能满足实际需要。这就要求各级政府在建设资金比较紧张的情况下,通过多种形式,切实保证对卫生的投入,并随着财 The National Health Work Conference convened by the Party Central Committee and the State Council in December 1996 was a very important meeting. It brings a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to the reform and development of the national health undertaking. The health department must take advantage of this conference to seize the outstanding issues that affect the development of the health sector - low financial investment, large-scale public opinion, greater financial investment, and promotion of health development to meet the needs of social and economic development. . At the national conference on health work, President Jiang Zemin pointed out: Party committees and governments at all levels should incorporate health work into the overall plan for economic and social development, include them on the agenda, increase investment in health care, and earnestly ensure that health undertakings are the same as the economy and society. The coordinated development. Premier Li Peng pointed out: The investment made by governments at all levels in the health sector is far from meeting actual needs. This requires governments at all levels to effectively guarantee investment in health through various forms under the circumstances of relatively tight construction funds.
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我在暗夜里凝望夜空中的点点星光,感受那玫瑰般的气息在夜空中飘荡。身在异乡,心在飞翔,流浪的人就是这样;历尽风雨,渴望成长,梦里经过许多地方,心始终朝向远方。 In the d