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  For most place on Earth,the year is divided into four seasons:spring, summer, autumn and winter . Each season has difference in weather, temperature and amount of daylight.
  Earth’s Yearly Orbit(轨道)
  Seasons occur because Earth orbits (travels around) the Sun once each year. As Earth travels, different pats of the planet slant(使倾斜) toward the Sun. This affects the amount of light and heat parts of Earth receive.
  In March the equator(赤道) is again slanted to receive the most sunligt. The Northern Hemisphere(半球) enjoys spring during this time. The Southern Hemisphere goes through autumn.
  In June the North Pole of Earth is tilted(倾斜的) toward the Sun. The Northern Hemisphere, including North America, receives the most sulight, producing the warmer weather and longer days of summer. The Southern Hemisphere goes through winter during this time.
  By September Earth has moved so that the equator(赤道) receives the most sunlight. Everywhere on Earth,except the North and South poles, days and nights are of equal length. During this time, autumn occurs(重现) in the Northern Hemisphere, while spring beings in the Southern Hemisphere.
  In December the South Pole is tilted toward the Sun. The Northern Hemisphere receives fewer sun rays. This causes the short days and chilly(寒冷的) weather of winter. The Southern Hemisphere enjoys summer during this time.
在英语中,名词与形容词一样,可以作定语。如:agirl student,an English eve-ning等。但作定语用的名词在数上须注意以下几点。1、一般来说,名词用作定语时,通常以单数形式出
There be结构是英语中常见的一种结构,表示“某地有某物”,含义为“存在有”。现将其用法浅述如下:一、There be句型的一般现在时结构There be句型的一般现在时结构是:There
记忆中,那是我生平第一次领取稿费。薄薄的青绿色的中国邮政汇款单,穿越千山万水,在一片惊羡与欢呼声中被递到我手中。于是,我有了“小作家”的称号。  那个时候,我还不知道钢琴到底有多少个黑键多少个白键,仅仅是爱极了郑智化,渴望能像他一样,即便双腿无法撑起整个胸膛,却可以豪迈地高唱“风雨中,这点痛算什么,擦干泪,不要怕,至少我们还有梦”。 于是,15岁的时候,我用积攒起来的零花钱买了一把青灰色的红棉吉
在自然界中,由于人为的因素,某些植物或动物的引进会打破当地原有的生态循环系统,有时甚至会给当地环境带来灾难,造成生态系统退化。下面介绍10种破坏生物链的“杀手”物种是如何对环境造成破坏的。    一、 泛滥成灾的亚洲鲤鱼。  亚洲鲤鱼,又称银鲤,其体重可以超过100磅,但这是以破坏生态系统为代价的。最初引进它是为了清理美国南部鲶鱼池的海藻,然而随着鲤鱼数量的增多,一些鲤鱼溜进了密西西比河及其支流。
1.inconvenience  泰国军方在发动政变之后,在电视上说:  We ask for the co-operation of the public and ask your pardon for the inconvenience.  我们要求公众给予合作,给你们带来不便之处,还望原谅。  We should try our best not to cause others inconv