Design of coordinator to eliminate redundant local retransmission in wireless networks

来源 :中国邮电高校学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong591
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Owing to limited bandwidth, high bit error rate, and bursty error in the wireless environment, the performance of the transmission control protocol (TCP) degrades greatly in wireless networks.Up to now, many researchers have contributed greatly to the wireless TCP field.However, in most of their works, the wireless TCP module usually works in the TCP layer and has no idea of the actual time of the packet transmission, which is determined by the Scheduler in the media access control (MAC) layer, and this will bring the inaccuracy to the local retransmission timeout and induce the redundant local retransmission.In this article, a coordinator is introduced into the base-station (BS), which can provide efficient cooperation between the TCP module and the scheduler module.On the bais of the performance analysis and simulation results, the proposed method is shown to eliminate redundant local retransmission, increase throughput, and improve TCP-level fairness in wireless networks.Moreover, this scheme is orthogonal to those existing wireless TCP schemes, thus it can give great compatibility to the current networks, and further enhance the performance of TCP under the condition that the performance improvement benefiting from the existing approaches will not be affected.
起源于欧洲的“轻食”近些年在我国时尚及商务人士中流行开来。何为“轻食”?食物要尽量符合“三低一高”的原则,即低糖分、低脂肪、低盐分、高纤维。轻食主义强调简单、适量、健康和均衡饮食。市面上大多数主打“轻食”概念的餐厅热门菜品无外乎牛油果沙拉、火腿鸡蛋三明治、鸡胸青蔬饭……而这些菜品其实并不符合大多数中国人的饮食口味。  有家取名轻食的餐厅,却不是吃三明治或是牛油果的地方。他是“罗勒轻食”,是中式“健
0前言rn福建水泥有限公司#7窑为2 500t/d熟料生产线,该生产线于2005年7月28日点火投入生产,配套回转窑规格为φ4m×60m.