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毛主席说:『没有一个人民的军队,便没有人民的一切。』拥护我们的伟大的革命军队,是全国人民的政治任务;而优待和抚恤革命烈士家属、革命军人家属和革命残废军人,正是全国人民拥护革命军队的一项主要工作。优抚工作的积极目的,除了发动群众帮助革命烈士家属、革命军人家属和革命残废军人解决生活上的困难以外,还在于教育群众认识武装工作的重要性,从而自觉自愿地尊重和爱护革命烈士家属、革命军人家属和革命残废军人,使他们在社会上有光荣的政治地位。我们必须经过优抚工作,造成新的社会道德,使人人感觉到参加人民军队的无上光荣。我们的优抚工作是有成绩的。在各个老解放区,在长期的革命战争中,政府和人民会经共同努力,安置和照顾革命烈士家属、革命军人家属和革命残废军人,组织他们参加生产,给他们介绍职业,对于缺乏劳动力的革命烈士家属、革命军人家属以及革命残废军人,则大规模地组织了群众进行代耕。这种革命的优良传统,在全国解放以后,迅速推广到新解放的地区。虽然有的地区,在革命战争胜利后产生过忽视优抚工作的现象,但 Chairman Mao said: “Without a people’s army, there will be no people’s all. ”It is the political task of the people throughout the country to support our great revolutionary army. Preferential treatment of the families of revolutionary martyrs, the families of revolutionary soldiers and the disabled and retired revolutionaries is a major task for the entire people in supporting the revolutionary army. Apart from mobilizing the masses to help the families of the revolutionary martyrs, the families of the revolutionary military personnel and the disabled criminals in the revolution, they also aim at educating the masses in understanding the importance of their armed work so as to respect and cherish the families of the revolutionary martyrs voluntarily and voluntarily The families of the servicemen and disabled members of the revolution have rendered them glorious political positions in the community. We must go through the special care work and create new social morals so that everyone will feel the supreme honor of participating in the people’s army. Our special care work is fruitful. In various old liberated areas and in long-term revolutionary wars, the government and people will work together to settle and care for the families of the revolutionary martyrs, the families of the revolutionary soldiers and the revolutionary disabled soldiers, organize them to participate in the production and introduce them to their careers, and to the lack of labor-power revolution The families of the martyrs, the families of the revolutionary soldiers and the disabled criminals of the revolution have organized the masses on a large scale to carry out cultivation. This fine tradition of revolution was rapidly promoted to newly liberated areas after the liberation of the entire country. Although in some areas there has been a neglect of the special care work after the victory of the revolutionary war,
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