Negative Association of Domestic Activity and Active Commuting with Metabolic Syndrome in a Chinese

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Objective To understand the associations of physical activity domains with metabolic syndrome among a middle-aged Chinese population. Methods In all, 3326 professional adults aged 35-64 years from Beijing and Zhejiang province were recruited with a cluster random sampling method. The Global Physical Activity Questionnaire was modified, and the recommended Asia-Pacific cut-offs of waist circumstance were introduced into the criteria for metabolic syndrome from the Adult Treatment Panel III. A binary logistic regression model was applied to examine the association of all physical activity domains with the risk of the syndrome. Results Participants who engaged in domestic activity for ?1176 MET-min/week had a 41.6% less chance of having metabolic syndrome [odds ratio(OR), 0.584; 95% confidence interval(CI), 0.480-0.710] than those without this activity. In adjusted models, adults who actively commuted for ?33 MET-min/week but <528 MET-min/week had a 25% less chance of having the syndrome(OR, 0.750; 95% CI, 0.582-0.966) than those who did not. No interaction was detected between the two domains of activity and the syndrome. Conclusion This study highlighted the independently negative association of traffic and house activity with the prevalence of the syndrome in this sample with a generally low level of moderate activity. Objective To understand the associations of physical activity domains with metabolic syndrome among a middle-aged Chinese population. Methods In all, 3326 professional adults aged 35-64 years from Beijing and Zhejiang province were recruited with a cluster random sampling method. The Global Physical Activity Questionnaire was modified, and the recommended Asia-Pacific cut-offs of waist circumstance were introduced into the criteria for metabolic syndrome from the Adult Treatment Panel III. A binary logistic regression model was applied to examine the association of all physical activity domains with the risk of the syndrome. Results Participants who engaged in domestic activity for? 1176 MET-min / week had a 41.6% less chance of having metabolic syndrome [odds ratio (OR), 0.584; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.480-0.710] than those without this activity. Inadjusted models, adults who actively commuted for? 33 MET-min / week but <528 MET-min / week had a 25% less chance of having the syndrome OR, 0.750; 95% CI, 0.582-0.966) than those who did not. No interaction was detected between the two domains of activity and the syndrome. Conclusion This study highlighted the relative negative association of traffic and house activity with the prevalence of the syndrome in this sample with a generally low level of moderate activity.
摘要:表现主义是西方艺术发展当中极具特点且对整个艺术发展产生非常大影响的艺术风格。我国在上世纪中后期的艺术发展历程中,产生了大量表现主义代表作品,国内艺术家在渐进接触、内化表现主义的过程中,因而表现主义在世界艺术史上形成了独树一帜的鲜明风格。因而,本文尝试从我国表现主义艺术发展角度,来对表现主义对我国当代艺术的影响作出探析。  关键词:表现主义;当代中国;艺术发展  一、表现主义概述  在现代派美
我第一次参加美国的心理学年会。在咖啡厅的休息室,我和几位同校的研究生们聊天。一位高班的美国研究生低声问我:“你知道坐在斜角沙发上一头白发的人是谁吗?”  我一脸诧异。  “他是斯格纳。”  这位国际学术界的大师,与弗洛伊德齐名的心理学大师,就坐在离我不到十米远的地方。  我不敢相信。如果在中国,以他的地位和成就,岂不是前呼后拥?  两个月后,我所在的大学心理系邀请了另一位心理学大师劳姆·乔姆斯基前
摘要:当代艺术的审美观念中存在着很多的问题,从审美走向来看流行性的大众审美、畸形审美、表面化的审美和片面追求哲学化的审美都是问题中不可忽视的一面。本文的研究从艺术和审美的概念出发,研究了当代艺术审美的现状及走向,并且对其出现的原因进行了分析,希望本文的研究能够在艺术审美的研究领域有一定的作用。  关键词:当代艺术;认知多元化;审美走向  21世纪是信息高速发展的时代,同时也是认知多元化和审美多元化
魏文王问名医扁鹊: “你们家兄弟三人,都精于医术.到底哪一位最好呢?”rn扁鹊答:“长兄最好,中兄次之,我最差.”rn文王再问:“那么为什么你最出名呢?”