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近几年,广东省在少儿舞蹈创作方面一直走在全国前列,少儿舞蹈的编排创作不断推陈出新,涌现出大批视角新颖的少儿舞蹈作品。他们将创作关注的视角触及到一些社会问题,关注到少年儿童成长过程中的心理问题等,可以说对全国少儿舞蹈创作具有开拓之功。自2011年开始,由广东省舞蹈家协会创办的“广东省少儿舞蹈大赛”至今已成功举办两届,在此平台上涌现出一大批思想健康向上,创意独特新颖,注重童心童趣,富于时代精神的优秀少儿舞蹈作品。广东省推荐参加第六届“小荷风采”全国少儿舞蹈展演的18部获奖 In recent years, Guangdong Province has been at the forefront of children’s dance creation in China. The choreographic creation of children’s dance has been constantly refurbished and a large number of children’s dance works with new perspectives have emerged. They touched upon some social issues from the perspective of their creative writing and paid attention to the psychological problems in their growth. It can be said that they have pioneered the creation of children’s dances nationwide. Since 2011, “Guangdong Provincial Children’s Dance Contest”, founded by the Guangdong Provincial Dancers’ Association, has been successfully held for two sessions. A large number of innovative and innovative ideas, Excellent children’s dance works full of the spirit of the times. Guangdong Province, recommended to participate in the sixth “Xiao Dutch style ” national juvenile dance show 18 awards
美国卫生及公共服务部(HHS)秘书Mike Leavitt于2008-10-16宣布,HHS将在2008年底前派遣首批美国FDA工作人员进驻中国、印度、欧洲以及拉丁美洲。他表示,过去一年中,FDA已经改
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