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历史的车轮进入了世纪之交。我们惊奇地发现自己的生活正在发生巨大的变化。在我们的现代汉语中,“下岗”、“再就业”、“创业”这些词在频繁的出现和使用。习惯靠单位吃饭的中国人面临着严重的生存危机。首先是国营大中型企业的工人,习惯了等、靠、要,或者只有单一的技能,面临下岗。又比如,医务人员、公务员的转岗分流,曾经让人羡慕的天之骄子,就业难的报道也频频见报……更让人震惊的是,博士也有下岗。据悉,前不久,天津大学的一名博士,因没有通过授课前的考 The wheel of history has entered the turn of the century. We were surprised to find that our lives are undergoing tremendous changes. In our modern Chinese, the words “laid off”, “reemployed”, “entrepreneurial” are appearing and used frequently. Chinese who habitually eat on their own are facing a serious crisis of existence. The first is that workers in state-run large and medium-sized enterprises are accustomed to waiting, relying on, requiring, or having only a single skill and are facing lay-offs. Another example is the diversion of medical staff and civil servants, who once envied their favored causes of employment, and reports of hard-earned employment are frequently reported. Even more shocking is that doctors also have laid off workers. It is reported that not long ago, a Ph.D. Tianjin University, because they did not pass the pre-test
本文简述了80年代我国自行研制的冷泵低温刀具系统,对其组成、参数、应用效果等结合具体材料加工进行了介绍。 In this paper, the cryogenic tool system developed by our
A single-mode laser noise model driven by quadratic colored pump noise and amplitude modulation signalis proposed.The real and imaginary parts of the pump nois
文章重点介绍了氧化铬陶瓷喷镀主轴的加工工艺.图3幅 The article focuses on the processing of chromium oxide ceramic spray spindle