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“任何”的隐现极性特征不仅与它本身的任选义相关,而且与事件发生的先验累计概率相关。当“任何”用于指类句和或然情态句等内涵语境时,它不显现极性特征。当“任何”用于表示事物的存在和情节句等存在封闭性语境时,它显现出负极词的特征。“任何”能扩大它所修饰的普通名词指代的选项域。由于选项域的大小与例外事件发生的先验累计概率构成单调递增的函数关系,所以讲话人可以用扩域手法突出命题所述事件发生的概率极小,使命题传递梯级含义和极大的信息量。 The implicit polarity characteristic of “” is not only related to its own definition of justification, but also to the prior cumulative probability of an event. When “any ” is used to refer to connotations such as clauses and contingent sentences, it does not exhibit polar features. When “any ” is used to denote the presence of things and episodic sentences and so on, there is a closed-end context, which shows the characteristics of negative words. “Any ” expands the options field that it modifies the generic nouns. Since the size of the option field and the a priori cumulative probability of exceptional events constitute a monotonically increasing function, the speaker can use the extended field approach to highlight the minimal probability of the occurrence of the proposition, so that the proposition conveys the meaning of the cascade and the great information the amount.
A grating surface can drive the liquid crystal molecules to orientate along the direction parallel or vertical to the projected plane of the grating surface.The
Handspring的 Visor Edge是 一款足以向 Palm M500/M505 系列发起强有力挑战的新产 品。其手写等具有金属质感以及 弧线美,并且还增加了一实用又 美观的屏幕保护翻盖。Visor Edge的外壳非常的坚硬,拿在手上感觉很牢靠,没有