Dynorphin A enhances mitogen-induced proliferative response and interleukin-2 production of rat spen

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ching19846
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It has been well known that immune function is modulated by endogenous opioid peptides:βendorphin and enkephalins. However, the effect of dynorphin A on the immnune thnction has not been well documented.In this study, we investigated dynorphin A in the regulation of mitogen-induced proliferation and interleukin-2 (IL-2) production of rat splenocytes.The results showed that dynorphin A 1-13 as well as dynorphin A1- 17 enhanced concanavalin A-stimulated ~3H thyrnidine uptake 46%-112 % in a dose-dependent fashion.Dynorphin A also It has been well known that the immune function is modulated by endogenous opioid peptides: βendorphin and enkephalins. However, the effect of dynorphin A on the immnune thnction has not been well documented. In this study, we investigated dynorphin A in the regulation of mitogen- induced proliferation and interleukin-2 (IL-2) production of rat splenocytes. The results showed that dynorphin A 1-13 as well as dynorphin A1- 17 enhanced concanavalin A-stimulated ~ 3H thyrnidine uptake 46% -112% in a dose- dependent fashion.Dynorphin A also
梨园世家有名望 王蕙芳先生(1895—1954?)字湘浦,小字四利子,生于梨园世家,逝世于成都。祖父王攀桂琅琊人,幼在小嵩祝科班,工架子花,出科后在春台班是有名望的演员。伯父王
二○一○年十月,英文版亚洲艺术杂志《ORIENTATIONS》刊登了一篇文章,提议在中国建立一座全球性综合博物馆,该文引发了相关讨论。作为一名在中国居住的外国人,笔者赞赏既 In