A Survey of Medication Taken by Chinese Athletes

来源 :中国运动医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tftaofeng
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Objective To make a survey of medication taken by Chinese athletes and a comparison between Chinese athletes and athletes from other countries in order to get information about how to improve Chinese athletes’ performance. Method The information came from the forms“Doping Control Sample Collection” in which athletes answered the question: “What medications have you taken in the past 3 days?” The medicines taken by athletes were classified and statistically analyzed.Results 2,330 athletes and 25 kinds of sports were involved in. Medicines were statistically analyzed with 4 classes: profiling of declaration, vitamins and minerals, medicines for treatments, alternative medicine. Conclusion The survey recorded the types of supplements and medications taken by athletes in China in 1999. Chinese athletes took less vitamins and more alternative medicines than athletes from other countries. Objective To make a survey of Chinese athletes and a comparison between Chinese athletes and athletes from other countries in order to get information about how to improve Chinese athletes’ performance. Method The information came from the forms “Doping Control Sample Collection ”In which athletes admitted the question: “ What medications have you taken in the past 3 days? ”The medicine taken by athletes were classified and attended analyzed. Results 2,330 athletes and 25 kinds of sports were involved in. with 4 classes: profiling of declaration, vitamins and minerals, medicines for treatments, alternative medicine. Conclusion The survey recorded the types of supplements and medications taken by athletes in China in 1999. Chinese athletes took less vitamins and more alternative medicines than athletes from other Countries.
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