A new polymorphism in the GRP78 is not associated with HBV invasion

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sfyaa
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AIM:To examine the association between -86 bp(T>A) in the glucose-regulated protein 78 gene(GRP78) and hepatitis B virus(HBV) invasion.METHODS:DNA was genotyped for the single-nucleotide polymorphism by polymerase chain reaction followed by sequencing in a sample of 382 unrelated HBV carriers and a total of 350 sex-and age-matched healthy controls.Serological markers for HBV infection were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent as-say kits or clinical chemistry testing.RESULTS:The distributions of allelotype and genotype in cases were not significantly different from those in controls.In addition,our fi ndings suggested that neither alanine aminotransferase/hepatitis B e antigen nor HBV-DNA were associated with the allele/genotype variation in HBV infected individuals.CONCLUSION:-86 bp T>A polymorphism in GRP78 gene is not related to the clinical risk and acute exacerbation of HBV invasion. AIM: To examine the association between -86 bp (T> A) in the glucose-regulated protein 78 gene (GRP78) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) invasion.METHODS: DNA was genotyped for the single-nucleotide polymorphism by polymerase chain reaction followed by sequencing in a sample of 382 unrelated HBV carriers and a total of 350 sex-and age-matched healthy controls. Serological markers for HBV infection were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent as-say kits or clinical chemistry testing .RESULTS: The distributions of allelotype and genotype in cases were not significantly different from those in controls. In addition, our fi ndings suggest that neither alanine aminotransferase / hepatitis B e antigen nor HBV-DNA were associated with the allele / genotype variation in HBV infected individuals. -86 bp T> A polymorphism in GRP78 gene is not related to the clinical risk and acute exacerbation of HBV invasion.
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