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美国空军自1947年正式成立以来,经过50年的建设,已发展成一支能全球到达、全球作战的空中力量。当前,正值世纪之交,世界军事革命正在迅猛发展,各国军事力量不断增长。据美国预测,到21世纪,有些国家将具有巨大的经济实力和现代技术,在一些军事高技术领域与美国竞争,并有能力在陆地、海上和空中与其交战。这将对美国构成严重的挑战。为继续保持高技术的优势,维持世界霸权地位,美空军根据美国国家战略利益及未来可能面临的威胁和作战环境,正在设计21世纪的发展蓝图。 After its formal establishment in 1947, the United States Air Force has developed into a global force capable of reaching and global operations after 50 years of construction. At the present time, at the turn of the century, the world’s military revolution is rapidly developing, and the military strength of all countries continues to grow. According to the United States’s projections, by the 21st century, some countries will have enormous economic strength and modern technology, compete with the United States in some high-tech military fields, and have the ability to engage with them on land, at sea and in the air. This will pose a serious challenge to the United States. In order to maintain the advantages of high technology and maintain the status of world hegemony, the U.S. Air Force is designing a blueprint for development in the 21st century based on the strategic interests of the United States and the threats and operational environments it may face in the future.
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