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冷战后,全球战略环境的改变使世界各国的国防科技工业的发展战略面临重大调整,西方人称之为“国防转轨”。从一些军事大国的战略调整情况看,发展军民两用技术,推进国防科技工业基础与国家科技工业基础的融合,是当前国防转轨的主流。关于两用技术的概念众所周知,国家安全所需的关键技术和对发展国民经济有重要作用的技术之间,存在着重叠。这种重叠部分的技术,具有两用的属性。也就是说,国防科学技术中存在着这样一些技术,在军品和民品两个方面都有着比较广泛的应用或应用潜力。人们把这种技术称为军民两用技术或两用技术。发展两用技术,不仅仅是简单地把军事技术用于民品,或者把民用的现成技术用于军事系统。它是技术上的根本转移,要发展能以更低的成本、更高的质 After the Cold War, changes in the global strategic environment have brought about major adjustments in the development strategy of the national defense science and technology industries of all countries in the world, which Westerners call “the transition of defense.” Judging from the strategic readjustment of some major military powers, the integration of military and civilian dual-use technologies and the promotion of the foundation of the national defense science and technology and the foundation of the national science and technology industry is the mainstream of the current national defense transition. The concept of dual-use technology As we all know, there is an overlap between the key technologies needed for national security and the technologies that play an important role in developing the national economy. This overlapping part of the technology, with dual-use attributes. In other words, there are such technologies in the science and technology of national defense that have broader applications or potential applications in both military and civilian products. People call this technology dual-use technology or dual-use technology. The development of dual-use technologies goes beyond merely applying military technology to civilian products or using civilian, off-the-shelf technologies for military systems. It is a fundamental shift in technology, to be able to develop at a lower cost, higher quality
近日,四川达州一名高三毕业生小斯(化名)在参加完高考后自杀。在遗书中,小斯自述:有点什么事情就挨打,考98分都被骂,吃饭打嗝一巴掌打过来,夹菜姿势不对也一巴掌打过来,自己小时候生活不好非要对我要求严格。当然也可以说这是什么对我的爱啊,但抱歉,我情商低,感觉不到父母的爱……  少年情怀总是诗。青春少年,正处在对未来充满无限憧憬的年龄,可小斯的精神世界,似乎永远萦绕着噩梦。这一切,都缘于他有一个暴戾、
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1 前言 全球性信息高速公路建设的兴起、我国国防信息“951”工程的即将启动以及军队办公自动化网建设的实施,为军队系统情报工作的发展提供了良好的契机。随着军队系统网络
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In overlooking multiple faceted labor issues, Human Rights Watch has indiscriminately accused CNMC of deep-rooted, persistent human rights misdemeanors. In rai