Highly luminescent europium and terbium complexes based on succinimide and N-hydroxysuccinimide

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyuiyigjghj
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The preparation of two highly luminescent europium(III) and terbium(III) complexes with succinimide(SI) and N-hydroxysuccinimide(NHSI) were reported,which were further investigated through elemental chemical analysis,thermal analysis,FT-IR,powder X-ray diffraction,SEM and fluorescence spectroscopy.Data collected through these analysis revealed the formation of the Eu(III) and Tb(III) complexes with the above mentioned ligands at a metal to ligand(M:L) molar ratio of 1:3.Interesting conclusions regarding the efficient sensitization through the coordination site of the lanthanide luminescent centers were retained from the photoluminescent spectra investigation.Strong luminescence emission was observed in case of Eu(III)-SI and Tb(III)-NHSI complexes while the corresponding Eu(III)-NHSI and Tb(III)-SI complexes exhibited no photo luminescent properties.Newly obtained luminescent lanthanide complexes may be of particular interest for various applications in optoelectronics. The preparation of two highly luminescent europium (III) and terbium (III) complexes with succinimide (SI) and N- hydroxysuccinimide (NHSI) were reported, which were further investigated through elemental chemical analysis, thermal analysis, FT- ray diffraction, SEM and fluorescence spectroscopy. Data collected through these analysis revealed the formation of the Eu (III) and Tb (III) complexes with the above mentioned ligands at a metal to ligand (M: L) molar ratio of 1: 3. Interesting patterns regarding the efficient sensitization through the coordination site of the lanthanide luminescent centers were retained from the photoluminescent spectra investigation. Luminescence emission was observed in case of Eu (III) -SI and Tb (III) -NHSI complexes while the corresponding Eu III) -NHSI and Tb (III) -SI complexes with no photo luminescent properties. Newly luminescent lanthanide complexes may be of particular interest for various applications in optoelectronics.
目的了解2008-2010年郑州市手足口病的流行时间、地区、人群分布以及病原构成。方法运用描述性流行病学方法,对2008-2010年郑州市手足口病资料进行分析。结果 2008、2009和20
不合并妊娠的本综合征一般认为其炎症位于后部葡萄膜者视力恢复良好。本例为合并早中期妊娠 ,眼底荧光血管造影早期表现为脉络膜型 (Harada病 ) ,经终止妊娠和及时应用大量皮
患者23岁,住院号0328,G1P0,孕39~(+1)周。因右下腹持续性腹痛2小时,伴恶心呕吐,于2000年7月11日急诊入院。 查体:急性病容,体温38.8℃,脉搏80次,呼吸20次,血压110/70mmHg。
艾滋病的致病因子为人免疫缺陷病毒。该病毒的蛋白酶在病毒复制和成熟中具有决定性的意义。由于目前国内外尚未获得艾滋病病毒蛋白酶高效表达的重组子及简便的活性检测系统,限制了它的研究与应用。本文将用PCR技术修饰的HIV Pr基因克隆入原核高效表达载体pTTQ18的EcoRI和Hind Ⅲ酶切位点之间,并用豆芽核酸酶将EcoRI的粘端削平,构建了读框正确的表达载体,IPTG诱导表明,该重组子在大肠杆菌中获
卵巢外腹膜浆液性乳头状癌 (extraovarian peritonealserous papillary carcinoma,EPSPC)是一种原发于腹膜间皮、有时可累及卵巢表面、呈多灶性发生的恶性肿瘤。早期多无症状