
来源 :公共卫生与预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnyy20
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目的通过城郊某小学学生的蛔虫、鞭虫等土源性线虫感染情况及痢疾健康带菌情况的调查分析,制定城乡结合部其特殊地理位置小学的相应健康教育及疾病预防方案。方法收集7~13岁小学生粪便,采用改良加藤氏法进行寄生虫卵检测和粪便细菌培养检查痢疾杆菌。结果共检查小学生245人,寄生虫感染10人,感染率4.08%,其中蛔虫、鞭虫感染率分别为2.04%和1.63%,1例为蛔鞭混合感染,感染率0.41%。感染率较高的为8~9岁,10~11岁两个年龄段,感染率分别为7.81%、5.68%。痢疾带菌率为0.82%,其中10~11岁带菌率2.27%。结论加强城郊小学生健康知识教育,使小学生养成良好的卫生习惯,降低小学生肠道寄生虫感染度和痢疾杆菌带菌率,提高小学生健康水平。 Objective To explore the health education and disease prevention programs of primary schools in urban and rural areas through the investigation and analysis of the infection of soil-borne nematodes, such as roundworm, whipworm and others and the health-carrying status of dysentery. Methods The stool samples of pupils aged 7 ~ 13 were collected. Parasitic ovum test and stool bacterial culture were performed to detect dysentery bacilli by modified Kats’ method. Results A total of 245 primary school students were examined and 10 were infected with parasites. The infection rate was 4.08%. The infection rates of roundworm and whipworm were 2.04% and 1.63%, respectively. One was infected with Ascaris penicilli and the infection rate was 0.41%. The higher infection rate was 8 to 9 years old, 10 to 11 years old two age groups, the infection rates were 7.81%, 5.68%. Dysentery carriage rate was 0.82%, of which 10 to 11 years old with a rate of 2.27%. Conclusions Strengthen the education of health knowledge for primary school students in suburbs so that primary school students can develop good health habits, reduce the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections and dysentery bacilli of primary school students, and improve the health of primary school students.
Because variations of ultra-capacitor voltage and battery voltage generate subharmonic and chaotic behaviors in hybrid energy storage system (HESS) application