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在全球经济危机冲击下,益阳橡机鞭打快牛,积极应对金融风暴,从2009年1月份开始认真组织开展“抢市场、扩领域、盯回款、促生产”百日竞赛活动。公司领导高度重视,制定详细活动细则,确定销售目标,积极组织生产,设立百日竞赛奖项,实施责任制,树立员工信心,实打实干,千方百计在危? Under the impact of the global economic crisis, Yiyang Rubber Machinery Co., Ltd. whipped fast-traffic cattle and actively coped with the financial turmoil. From January 2009, it began to seriously organize the 100-day competition of “grab the market, expand the domain, pay off loans and promote production”. The leadership of the company attaches great importance to the development of detailed rules of activities to determine the sales target, and actively organize the production, the establishment of a hundred days contest awards, the implementation of responsibility system, establish staff confidence, real hard work, do everything possible to danger?
研究了山东省交通执法现状与存在的问题,就交通执法规范化进行了深入分析,并就如何规范交通行政执法提出了具体措施。 The current situation and existing problems of traff
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非立法抽象行政行为是指行政机关制定规章以下规范性文件的行为。对非立法抽象行政行为实行司法审查是我国依法治国的题中之意。而从司法审查的成因看 ,对我国非立法抽象行政
阅读下列短文,然后根据短文内容选择正确答案。A (时间:5分钟) A person’s voice can travel all the way Read the following essay and choose the correct answer based
编辑同志: 最近,我们在处理教师违纪案件中,为教师是否属监察对象发生意见分歧。请问,教师是否属监察对象?若不属监察对象,教师违纪后的政纪处分应由哪个部门履行? 杨亿才 2000年 3月1日杨
行政授权是指法律规定行政机关可以把自己的行政管理职权交由其他机关或组织来行使。行政授权与行政委托有相同之处 ,都是行政机关把自已的职权的一部分交由其他机关或组织行