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邵阳市,连续四年来运用生态规律,协调防治柑桔病虫,取得了显著的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。 邵阳市现有桔园面积46万亩,其中结果面积19万多亩。常年产量在150万担左右,1986年达到230万担,畅销国内外。但是,多年来由于长期大量使用化学农药,对农业环境带来了严重污染,柑桔品质受影响,桔园害虫天敌减少,红蜘蛛等害虫的抗药性增强。 为了探求综合防治的配套技术措施,从1984年起,笔者承担了省植保站“柑桔病虫害综合防治研究”课题,现将结果汇总如下: 一、取得了“两减三增”的综防效益 通过几年的实践证明,保益控害方法,减少了农药成本,减少了防治用工,增加天敌,增加产量,增加收入的效果显著。 Shaoyang City, for four consecutive years the use of ecological law, coordinate the prevention and control of citrus pests and diseases, and achieved significant economic, social and ecological benefits. Shaoyang City, the existing Orange Garden area 460000 mus, of which the result area of ​​190000 acres. Annual output of about 1.5 million in 1986 reached 2.3 million Tam, best-selling home and abroad. However, due to the long-term heavy use of chemical pesticides, it has brought serious pollution to the agricultural environment. Citrus quality is affected. Natural enemies of orange pests are reduced. Pest resistance such as spider mites is enhanced. In order to seek comprehensive technical measures for comprehensive prevention and control, starting from 1984, the author assumed the title of “Research on Integrated Prevention and Control of Citrus Pests and Diseases” at the Provincial Plant Protection Station. The results are summarized as follows: I. Obtained the comprehensive prevention and control benefit of “reducing two by three and increasing by one” After several years of practice, it has been proved that the method of controlling benefit and controlling harm reduces the cost of pesticides, reduces the control of labor, increases the natural enemies, increases the output and increases the income.
武警黑龙江总队医院建院至今已走过 40多年的历史 ,为适应医疗卫生事业改革新形势 ,在大医院林立的省会城市中立稳脚跟 ,创出特色 ,该院把工作重点放在坚持科学管理、科技兴
碱茅Puccinella distans(L.)Parl.是禾本科碱茅属杂草,北京市50年代有少量发生,未进入农田。1980年在通县次渠乡麦田首次发现,1985年京郊部分县(区)稻茬麦田均有发生,以通县
The University of International Business and Economics(UIBE)is a multi-disciplinary and national key university for studies in trade,economics and management.Es