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香港是中西文化的荟萃点。在文化教育上,它既有中国传统的影响,又大量吸收了西方的成果,把中西文化熔于一炉。在中国语文教学法的革新,教材的编订等方面也另辟蹊径,自成体系。本文准备对香港《中国语文》教学法作一些初步探讨。教学目标——培养思维、阅读、表达能力香港中学分为二个阶段:第一阶段包括1——3年级,第二阶段包括4、5年级。中学阶段中国语文教学总的目标是“启发学生独立思维的能力和培养学生阅读、理解,表达以及运用中国语文的能力,以应付社会 Hong Kong is a hotspot for Chinese and Western cultures. In terms of culture and education, it not only has the influence of Chinese tradition, but also absorbs much of the achievements of the West and melts the Chinese and Western cultures together. In the reform of the Chinese language teaching method, textbooks and other aspects are also set aside ways, self-contained system. This article will prepare some preliminary discussions on the “Chinese Language” teaching method in Hong Kong. Teaching Objectives—Cultivate Thinking, Reading, and Expression Skills Hong Kong Secondary Schools are divided into two phases: the first stage includes the 1st to 3rd grades, and the second stage includes the 4th and 5th grades. The overall goal of Chinese language teaching at the secondary school level is to “inspire students’ ability to think independently and to develop students’ ability to read, understand, express and use Chinese language in order to cope with society.
我科1975~1983年间收治了罕见的先天性孤独肾4例,交叉异位融合肾和先天性肾发育不全各1例。现将诊治中的一些经验教训报告如下: 例1 岳×,女,18岁,因腹块于1975年10月27日入
本文分析了男性不育症中121例无精子症的精道造影,并就所得结果讨论了精道造影在男性不育症临床检查中的意义,以及精道阻塞在无精子症中所占比例。 In this paper, 121 case
去年全国高中联合数学竞赛第二试第二题是这样的:△ABC 和△ADE 是两个不全等的等腰直角三角形,现固定△ABC,而将△ADE 绕 A 点在平面上旋转,试证:不论△ADE 旋转到什么位置
《安徽教育》一九八三年第一期上发表的《热力学第一定律教学随忆》一文,读后颇受教益。作者利用把图线、理想气体状态方程和热力学第 The article titled “The First Law
一、前言在恶性肿瘤的几个伴瘤综合征(Paraneoplastic Syndrome)中,以高血钙症发生率为高。因其经过急剧和严重,在恶性肿瘤诊断中应想到此并发症。推测在恶性肿瘤病程中,伴