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法兰克福机场2003年客流量4830万人次,月高峰客流400万人次,日高峰客流18万人次,高峰小时客流2万人次;飞机日起降1250架次,高峰小时80架次,年货邮吞吐量173万吨。目前法兰克福机场拥有三条跑道,两座候机楼,正在申请扩建第四条跑道和3号航站楼,有147个航空公司营运,飞行289个国家、地区,预计2010年客流量将达到7100万人次。1号航站楼244个值机柜台,101个登机口;2号航站楼134个值机柜台,133个登机口,两个候机楼可供旅客自由走动的区域面积为24万平方米。在法兰克福4850万客流中50%以上为中转客,规模不言而喻,但是大而不乱,高效的运营管理给人留下最为突出的印象。法兰克福机场的同行们从这样六个方面评判一个机场管理的好坏:1.保证高峰期客流量;2.流程优化;3.可靠的行李分拣系统;4.清晰的标识标志;5.灵活的机位分配;6.不轻易关闭跑道。六项中有五项与航站楼运营管理密不可分,细品这六个方面,也正是从满足顾客需求和调配自身资源两个逻辑方向去考虑的,这也正好诠释了我们命题的内涵,即高效是在充分利用现有资源的基础上达到高质量和高效率。 就像最初的机场演变于一条跑道和一个候机楼的道理,我们认为最基础的机场运营管理分为飞行区和航站区两大部分,本文拟从该机场航站区运营管理谈起,以旅客及其行李在航 In 2003, Frankfurt Airport had 48.3 million passenger trips, 4 million passenger trips per month, 180,000 passenger trips per day, and 20,000 passenger trips at peak hours. The aircraft flew 1250 vehicles with a peak hour of 80 sorties and annual cargo throughput of 1.73 million tons . At present, Frankfurt Airport has three runways and two terminals. It is applying for the expansion of the fourth runway and Terminal 3, with 147 airlines operating in 289 countries and regions. It is estimated that the passenger traffic in 2010 will reach 71 million Person times. 244 check-in counters at Terminal 1 and 101 check-in gates; 134 check-in counters at Terminal 2 and 133 gateways; and the total area of ​​two terminals at which visitors can freely move around is 240 000 Square meter. More than 50% of the 48.5 million passenger trips in Frankfurt are transit passengers, the scale is self-evident, but large and indiscriminate, efficient operation and management gives the most outstanding impression. FRA’s colleagues assess the quality of an airport’s management from these six perspectives: 1. Assurance peak passenger flow; 2. Process optimization; 3. Reliable baggage sorting system; 4. Clear logo design; Of the allocation of seats; 6 not easily shut down the runway. Five of the six are inseparable from terminal operation and management. The six aspects of fine goods are also taken into account in the following two logical directions of satisfying customer needs and allocating their own resources, which also precisely expresses the connotation of our proposition That is, high efficiency is to achieve high quality and high efficiency on the basis of making full use of existing resources. As the original airport evolved into a runway and a terminal, we think the most basic airport operation management is divided into two parts, namely, the flight zone and the terminal zone. This article intends to talk about the operation and management of the airport terminal zone, Passengers and their luggage in service
2005年,中国的第一批民营航空公 司在低成本航空概念下蹒跚起步。而此 类航空公司在国际上已呈燎原之势。考 察他人经验,或可知中国之未来。 新加坡飞机租赁公司曾参与过春秋