结直肠癌中CD8n +T细胞的糖酵解重编程研究进展n

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结直肠癌(CRC)是一种高度侵袭性的恶性肿瘤,在全球范围内,其发病率和死亡率分别位居第3位和第2位。近年来,免疫检查点抑制剂(ICIs)的问世,为恶性肿瘤患者带来了新的希望。但是这些以T细胞为基础的免疫治疗仅在少数患者中有效。研究显示,肿瘤细胞和CD8n +T细胞之间的相互作用是影响免疫治疗疗效的关键因素。像快速增殖的肿瘤细胞一样,活化后的CD8n +T细胞主要依赖糖酵解维持细胞增殖和功能发挥。在肿瘤微环境(TME)中,CRC细胞通过消耗大量的葡萄糖挤压CD8n +T细胞的营养来源,同时伴随着乳酸等代谢毒物的产生和胞外堆积,最终导致CD8n +T细胞糖酵解受损,细胞逐渐丧失功能变为耗竭和衰老,阻碍有效的抗肿瘤免疫治疗。因此,深入了解肿瘤细胞与CD8n +T细胞糖代谢之间的相互作用,可以为研发更加有效的联合治疗提供策略。本文就此研究领域的进展做一综述。n “,”Colorectal cancer(CRC) is a highly aggressive malignancy, ranking third in morbidity and second in mortality worldwide. In recent years, the emergence of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) has brought new hope to patients with malignant tumors. But these T cell-based immunotherapies are only effective in a small number of patients. Studies have shown that the interaction between tumor cells and CD8n + T cells is a key factor affecting the efficacy of immunotherapy. Like rapidly proliferating tumor cells, activated CD8n + T cells rely mainly on glycolysis to maintain cell proliferation and function. In the tumour microenvironment (TME), the plunder of glucose by CRC cells will compress the nutritional sources of CD8n + T cells, accompanied by the production and extracellular accumulation of metabolic toxins such as lactic acid, which will eventually lead to impaired glycolysis of CD8n + T cells, gradual loss of cell function, depletion and aging, and hinder effective anti-tumor immunotherapy. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the interaction between tumor cells and CD8n + T cell glucose metabolism may provide strategies for the development of more effective combination therapy. This paper reviews the progress in this field.n
目的:探索导致核医学工作人员甲状腺碘-131(n 131I)内照射的主要危险因素,对工作人员甲状腺n 131I内照射风险进行评估。n 方法:于2019年3至10月,以整群抽样方法收集2018年度福建省开展n 131I核素诊疗的21家核医学单位资料,对n 131I自动分装仪数量、n 131I甲状腺癌(甲癌)和甲状腺功能亢进症(甲亢)及肝癌治疗人数、核医学工作人员数量、执业类别、n 131I操作情况和轮岗情况进行调查,并对其中20家开展n
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目的:探讨n 甲瓣移植再造拇指时受区血管的选择及其效果。n 方法:自2018年5月至2020年1月对24例拇指组织缺损的患者,采取n 甲瓣或n 甲瓣联合其他组织游离移植再造,其中趾-指动脉的短血管蒂移植吻合7例,跖背-虎口区动脉的中血管蒂移植吻合12例,足背-桡动脉的长血管蒂移植吻合5例。n 甲瓣供区全部行皮瓣修复,岛状皮瓣修复7例,游离皮瓣修复17例。n 结果:术后24例再造拇指和24例供瓣区皮瓣均存活。22例患者随访6~18个月,再造的拇指功能外
目的:通过研究健侧颈n 7与受区神经的匹配性,以便合理利用健侧颈n 7,更好地恢复患肢功能。n 方法:12具24侧甲醛(10%福尔马林)固定过的成年尸体标本,解剖出臂丛神经后,分别测量颈n 7神经根及其前后股、颈n 8、胸n 1神经根、下干、前臂内侧皮神经、腋神经前支、正中神经及尺神经的直径。再分别切取上述神经长约1 cm的标本,通过组织学研究,测量他们的神经束横截面积总和(S)和神经纤维总数(N)。最后对上述结果进行比较。n 结果:尺神经
Background::Whether smoking is related to a decreased risk of meningioma in women is still controversial. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis examining the association between smoking and risk of meningiomas in women.Methods::Two authors in
目的:探索一种简便的动态检测胰腺腺泡细胞内钙离子浓度的方法。方法:无菌采集大鼠胰腺,去除脂肪和淋巴组织,37 ℃预热的胶原酶消化胰腺组织,分离大鼠胰腺腺泡细胞。加入钙离子荧光探针Fluo-3/AM负载腺泡细胞,流式细胞仪动态监测腺泡细胞内钙离子浓度变化。结果:对照组腺泡细胞处于静息状态,钙离子荧光强度稳定,8只大鼠胰腺腺泡细胞内钙离子浓度随时间变化趋势一致,平均荧光强度值为307.75±36.45(n n=8);刺激组加入牛磺胆酸钠后腺泡细胞钙离子荧光强度升高,第27.76秒达峰值,检测结果稳定