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《财会通讯》第五期刊登吕季铭同志《对“全面经济核算”一词的探讨》一文,提出“经济核算概念所表述的内容是很清楚的,冠以‘全面’二字,不仅不必要,实际上经济核算和‘全面经济核算’在概念上的特殊内涵是难以区分的。”对此,深感有商讨之必要。粉碎“四人帮”后,随着在经济管理领域中拨乱反正,按照客观经济规律整顿与改革工业管理和企业管理,工业企业的经济核算工作也有了新的发展。这就是一些工业企业提出并开始试行全面经济核算。作为一种科学的经济核算方法,全面经济核算一经提出,就引起了人们的重视。一些经济学家在企业管理的论述中,对全面经济核算在理论上加以充实和提高,“全面经济核算”一词得以广泛流传。全面经济核算一词从开始提出起就和经济核算在概念上有明显的区别。所谓经济核算,是经济核算 In the fifth issue of “Accounting Newsletter”, Comrade Lu Jiaming published an article entitled “Discussion on the term of” comprehensive financial accounting “. He pointed out that” the concept of economic accounting is very clear and the word “comprehensive” is not only unnecessary, In fact, the conceptual connotation of economic accounting and ’comprehensive accounting’ is indistinguishable. “It is therefore deeply necessary for discussion. With the smashing of the ”Gang of Four,“ as the order was laid down in the economic management field, industrial management and business management were reformed and reformed in accordance with the objective economic laws. Economic accounting work for industrial enterprises also made new progress. This is how some industrial enterprises have proposed and started the pilot comprehensive economic accounting. As a scientific method of economic accounting, once the comprehensive economic accounting is put forward, people have drawn great attention. In the discussion of business management, some economists have theoretically enriched and improved the comprehensive economic accounting. The term ”comprehensive economic accounting" has been widely circulated. The concept of comprehensive economic accounting has a notable conceptual difference from that of economic accounting from its inception. The so-called economic accounting is economic accounting
7名中国选手晋级欧巡赛完成了历史性突破;4名青少年球员通过资格选拔赛,凭自身的实力站在了欧巡赛的赛场;38岁的奥地利人马库斯·布瑞尔(Markus Brier)在离家乡如此远的中国,
经济活动分析,在企业是一项工作,在财经院校是一门课程。本文拟对工业企业经济活动分析的改革提几点看法,供有关方面参考。 我国在五十年代初期,就从苏联引进了工业企业经济
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根据国务院批转财政部《关于国营企业利改税试行办法》(以下简称《办法》)和其他有关规定,现对国营工业企业实行利改税后,有关会计处理问题规定如下: 一、关于会计科目的调