On Color Elements in Food Package Design

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  【Abstract】Color is an important element in modern food package design.The quality of color design will directly decide people’s perception of goods and affect the sales of products.There are many factors affecting color design of food package.One of the more important factors is culture.Consumers’ affinity for commodity can be enhanced by combining color design with regional culture.Chinese food enterprises should fully consider the characteristics of Chinese culture when designing the color of food package.We should make full use of the graphic, Chinese characters and color elements in Chinese traditional culture to design food package with local characteristics.
  【Key words】Color Elements; Package Design; Chinese culture
  Color is an important factor in modern design of commodity,which has strong visual impact and emotional expressiveness.The color design of a product has a great influence on the sale volume and word-of-mouth of the product. we should design food package according to different attributes of food,so as to fully express the symbolic meaning, color attributes, color psychology and color aesthetics of food package.

1. The Importance of Color in Food Package Design

  The contemporary American architectural theorist Julian Garci once said that the decorator’s job is to adjust the relation of colors.With regard to art,the aesthetic characteristics of color are the first.On the contrary, in the design, the function of color is the more important than aesthetic function.Color must be combined with the characteristics and functions of the product in the design.In addition, the use of color in design often has a direct relationship with the audience of design.Usually,Color always plays the role of ‘silent salesman’ before the audience reads the text of the product.
  A psychological study shows when people observe objects,colour perception accounts for 80% of the total perception , sensation of shape accounts for 20% of the total sensation.Two minutes later,colour perception accounts for 60% of the total perception and sensation of shape accounts for 40% of the total sensation.Five minutes later, they both accounted for half of the total.It is not difficult for us to see that,color plays an important role in package design and in the sale of goods.

2. The Cultural factors in color design——take Coca-Cola as examples

  The color design of food package is not only a simple choice between various colors.Colour design also needs to take into account the collocation of colors and the choice of patterns.Therefore, cultural factors must be taken into account in color design.We can also find that a good product packaging design must contain strong cultural elements.   We can take Coca-Cola for example.On the Visual Element Design of Package,Coca-Cola combines internationalization with nationalization to enhance the cultural affinity of package to consumers.According to Chinese culture, the designer designed the Chinese symbol of Coca-Cola and 12 zodiac package.These package designs are closely related to Chinese politics and culture, meeting the emotional demands of Chinese consumers and creating a spiritual resonance. As a result, Coca-Cola’s commodity image is gradually established in the Chinese market.

3. The Traditional Chinese Culture Elements Which Can Be Absorbed In Modern Food Package Design

  In order to make the best use of Chinese cultural elements and enhance the market competitiveness of food enterprises,We need to make extensive use of traditional cultural elements in food package.Specifically, Chinese cultural elements which can be integrated into food package design are mainly divided into the following aspects:
  First is the color and pattern representing Chinese culture.In Chinese long cultural tradition, a series of colors and patterns with special cultural implications have been produced.In terms of patterns, there are well-known animal patterns such as dragon, phoenix, which represent good luck.There are Chinese red Bright yellow and
【摘要】随着新课标教育的改革,英语学科在小学教育中越来越重要,英语语言作为学生发展自己才能的工具,是小学教育中所必不可少的。英语和语文一样都是属于语言的学科,而学好这些学科的必要手段就是听和说,通过语音听力的锻炼发展自己对英语的语感,有利于更好地学习英语。英语的学习是小学生更好地了解世界的手段,有利于为小学生长久的英语学习打下堅实的基础。  【关键词】小学;英语;语音教学;评价  【作者简介】曹立
【摘要】本文以探究核心素养背景下初中英语阅读课教学中思维品质的提高为主要内容进行阐述,结合当下英语学科核心素养分析和核心素养背景下初中英语阅读教学思维品质提升对策,从多角度拓展英语话题,引导学生开展讨论;归纳和概括思维过程,提升思维系统性;挖掘英语文本,提升思维深刻性这几方面进行深入探讨和分析,其目的在于通过英语教学提升学生的思维品质,在课堂中落实英语核心素养。  【关键词】核心素养;初中英语;阅
【摘要】信息技术的发展对于教育教学的影响越来越大,在该领域所发挥的作用也日益显著。教师在开展初中英语教学时,通过应用信息化工具,充分发挥其教学演示、师生交流以及获得教学资源等方面的优势,对于构建高效课堂非常有利。教师要掌握现代教育技术,将信息技术的运用同英语教学的目标充分结合,不断优化教学方式与组织形式,切实实现构建高效课堂的目标。  【关键词】初中英语;高效课堂;信息技术  【作者简介】吴玲,江
【摘要】在当前的教育状况下,小学的英语教学都存在着相同的弊病,就是在教学过程中过度地重视英语成绩,而不重视对小学生个人核心素养的培养,从而导致小学生对英语教学内容的厌恶,对英语的学习提不起兴趣。所以,在进行英语教学时,应该树立正确的教学观念,将核心素养的培养作为小学英语教学的一部分。本文立足于核心素养的培养对小学生的价值意义,探讨应该如何用正确的手段培养中学生的核心素养。  【关键词】小学;英语;
【摘要】赛珍珠作为一位跨文化交流名人,在亚洲与西方世界交流之间起着非常重要的作用。本文通过对赛珍珠文学作品中亚洲儿童和女性创作的梳理,揭示了赛珍珠对亚洲尤其是对中国的深厚感情和沟通东西方文化的人桥作用。  【关键词】赛珍珠;中国;亚洲观;儿童;女性  【作者简介】李洁(1998-),女,汉族,江苏泰兴人,江苏科技大学外国语英语专业学生,研究方向:英美文学;李雪瑶(1998-),女,汉族,吉林吉林人
【摘要】新课程改革背景下,高中英语课本内容更加贴合实际生活与学生的学习情况,教师的教学方法应在一定程度上有所创新。在高考来临前,学好英语对于高中学生来说十分必要,因为它不仅决定了未来的升学情况,也在一定程度上锻炼了学生学习另一种语言的能力。在英语阅读教学中,不仅要注重学生对于知识的掌握情况,更要提高学生的自主学习能力。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读教学;自主学习;面临问题;优化措施  【作者简介】袁
【摘要】《骆驼祥子》是老舍的代表作之一,在中国现代文学历史上拥有重要地位。本文以英文版本为例,对源语文本和译本进行对比分析, 探究译文是如何完美呈现汉英差异与翻译的关系, 从而充分彰显老舍先生独特的艺术情怀。  【关键词】过程取向;结果取向;散点与焦点;压缩策略  【作者简介】余甜甜(1994.10-),女,汉族,安徽宣城人, 华东理工大学外国语学院,2018级研究生在读, 研究方向:英语笔译。 
【Abstract】Today’s legal system generally demands that the interpreter function as a “faceless voice,” a conduit, that is, in a “neutral” and non-intrusive way. However, the conduit model subjects inte