APC UPS全新登场,绿色节能成亮点

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8月2日,施耐德电气旗下APC(以下简称APC)宣布推出全新系列Back-UPS机型以及Smart-UPS第二代长延时电池解决方案。Back-UPS是全球备受赞誉的APC面向家庭及企业环境的主力经典机型,此次发布的新品包括了两个系列的产品Back-UPS Pro August 2, Schneider Electric APC (hereinafter referred to APC) announced the launch of a new series of Back-UPS models and Smart-UPS second-generation long-delay battery solutions. Back-UPS is the world’s acclaimed APC home and business environment for the main classic models, the release of new products include two series of products Back-UPS Pro
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