Tourism spatial reconstruction of Chengde City under the influence of Holiday Tourism Circle of Beij

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveagle
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Holiday Tourism Circle of Beijing (HTCB) is one of the nine key regions of Chinese tourism industry in the period of the 11th Five-Year Project. According to Tourist Marginal Utility Theory, Time-Distance Method is used to define HTCB in this paper. Chengde City, famous for its cultural tourism, is regard as one of the regions in Holiday Tourism Circle of Beijing. And this geographical advantage, in the context of the boom of tourism in China, is featured by the changes of tourist product structure and development model. In this paper, the influence upon Chengde tourism spatial structure has been discussed from tourist market, location and transportation. Chengde tourism spatial structure has been rebuilt with particular references to the factors of tourism destination district, tourist area, nodes, routes, and origin markets. In this paper, Chengde will develop tourism industry with the central heritage area as the center and northern forest and pasture area and southern mountain and lake area as the two wings. Holiday Tourism Circle of Beijing (HTCB) is one of the nine key regions of Chinese tourism industry in the period of the 11th Five-Year Project. According to Tourist Marginal Utility Theory, Time-Distance Method is used to define HTCB in this paper. Chengde City, famous for its cultural tourism, is considered as one of the regions in Holiday Tourism Circle of Beijing. And this geographical advantage, in the context of the boom of tourism in China, is featured by the changes of tourist product structure and development model. In this paper, the influence upon Chengde tourism spatial structure has been discussed from tourist market, location and transportation. Chengde tourism spatial structure has been rebuilt with particular references to the factors of tourism destination district, tourist area, nodes, routes, and In this paper, Chengde will develop tourism industry with the central heritage area as the center and northern forest and pasture area and southern mountain and lake area as the two wings.
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