Coalescence between Cu_(57) and Cu_(58) clusters at a room temperature:molecular dynamics simulation

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Three coalescence processes of Cu57-Cu57,Cu57-Cu58,and Cu58-Cu58 clusters at 300 K are investigated by employing molecular dynamics simulations.According to the evolutions of mean square displacement and local atom packing,the coalescence process can be separated into three stages including an approaching stage,a coalescing stage,and a coalesced stage.The simulations show that the coalescence processes and the formed products are sensitive to the respective initial structures of,and the relative configuration between,the two coalescing icosahedron-based clusters. Three coalescence processes of Cu57-Cu57, Cu57-Cu58, and Cu58-Cu58 clusters at 300 K are investigated by employing molecular dynamics simulations. According to the evolutions of mean square displacement and local atom packing, the coalescence process can be separated into three stages including an approaching stage, a coalescing stage, and a coalesced stage. The simulations show that the coalescence processes and the formed products are sensitive to the respective initial structures of, and the relative configuration between, the two coalescing icosahedron-based clusters.
作为一部反战影片,《白色严冬》却没有任何战争场面。它杜绝了爆破与火光营造出的残酷,也剔除了嘶喊和啼哭堆砌出的悲情。挪威导演彼得·纳斯以极简的场景和最安静的讲述方式描写了一个最具人性冲突的故事。  英德双方的战机在挪威上空将对方击落。三名德军士兵与两名英军士兵生还。他们在极寒之中同时找到了一座狩猎木屋。一天前,在天空中殊死搏斗的敌人突然间以这样意想不到的方式相见。  与好莱坞导演在二战影片中乐于展现
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