展示在川邮电工业风貌 提供最佳通信技术设备

来源 :四川邮电技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haofei88
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为了加速四川经济建设步伐,展示四川经济建设成就。省府决定举办一次大型的四川名、优、特、新工业产品和设备展览。由省局牵头组成的四川邮电工业参展领导小组业已成立并开始各项筹展工作。领导小组组长、省局副局长周光墉同志就参展项目和各项技术问题与在川邮电工业、科研部门共同进行了研讨。届时四川邮电工业展览馆将以新的面貌呈现于 In order to speed up the pace of Sichuan’s economic construction, Sichuan’s achievements in economic construction will be demonstrated. The provincial government decided to hold a large Sichuan famous, excellent, special, new industrial products and equipment exhibition. The lead group for Sichuan Post and Telecommunications Industry Exhibition led by the provincial bureau has been set up and various preparatory work has begun. Leaders of the leading group, Comrade Zhou Guangtai, deputy director of the provincial bureau, discussed the exhibition items and various technical issues with the post and telecommunications industry and scientific research departments in Sichuan. Sichuan Post and Telecommunications Exhibition Hall will be presented in a new look
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一、薄。如今地面装饰材料品种众多,但从少占空间,减少楼板负荷的角度考虑,当然是越薄越好。比如大理石板材,只要施工质量高,不出现“空心”现象,那么选6~8mm 厚的就可以了,
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理性看待鼠标DPI  DPI是dots per inch的缩写,意思是鼠标每移动1英寸(2.54cm),光标在屏幕上能够移动的像素距离,该值越高表明鼠标指针的移动速度就越快。为吸引更多的游戏用户,许多的鼠标厂商喜欢通过提高DPI来标榜产品有多么灵敏,因此鼠标的DPI从几年前的400或800DPI,迅速飙升到了现在的动辄破万(图1)。实际上购买时看一下DPI未尝不可,但如果不根据实际情况,一味地追求
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