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Although large amounts of data have been collected during the past 30 yesrs in the study of the formation, evolution and dynamics of the Tethys Sea by the use of the theory of plate tectonics, a large volume of geological and geophysical information has also been accumulated which cannot be explained by the plate tectonic hypothesis. For example, the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is underlain by many thousands of meters of Ordovician through Eocene, gently-dipping, essentially undeformed, stable platform sequences. Stratigraphic and tectonic investigations reveal that the plateau-wide east-west fracture zones, interpreted as “sutures” in a plate-tectonic model, are not sutures at all. On the other hand, from the Late Carboniferous to the beginning of the Early Permian, it was impossible for the Tethys ocean with a width of several thousand kilometers to.“open” and “close” (the speed could not be so great). The east-west fracture zones, with very sharp angles, exerted no control over deposition. Stress analysis of magmatic activity indicates that the Himalayan zone is presently under compression, the Gangdise zone under interwoven comprepsion and tension, and the Qinghai and Deccan Plateaus under weak tension. Lateral compression caused by weak tension at the northern and southern terminations was not enough for Xizang and its surroundings between India and Qinghai Province of China with an area of 2,400,000 km2 to rise to a height of 4,000 m above mean sea level. The authors believe that surge tectonics is the force driving the evolution of the Tethys Sea and the rising of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. G. G. T. demonstrates that two surge channels, an upper and a lower, exist in the Yadong-Anduo litho sphere, and the upper mantle in the southern part is uplifted. During the Eocene, as a result of tectogenesis, molten magma poured out from the channel along the Yarlung Zangbo River,forming ophiolites and melanges, and earthquakes and terrestrial heat are also distributed along the fracture zone. Likewise, at an earlier time the Banggong Co-Nujiang and Longmu Co-Yushu Jinshajiang surge channels and their fracture zones formed. During the Miocene, the three surge channels merged laterally, and then the unified rise of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau took place. The formation and evolution of the surge channels resulted in a variety of worthy Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic exploration targets and a series of sedimentary basins with the largest Qamdo Basin occupying 120, 000 km2 with sediments attaining a thickness of 15, 000 m. These basins contain multiple source-beds, reservoirs, traps and seals of different ages, showing oil and gas every-where. In the northern part lithology and facies are more stable than in the southern, and subsequent tectonic overprinting and volcanic activity are relatively weak. At present commercial oil flow has been penetrated by drilling in the Tertiary Lunpola Basin. Although large amounts of data have been collected during the past 30 yesrs in the study of the formation, evolution and dynamics of the Tethys Sea by the use of the theory of plate tectonics, a large volume of geological and geophysical information has also been accumulated which For example, the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is underlain by many thousands of meters of Ordovician through Eocene, gently-dipping, essentially undeformed, stable platform sequences. Stratigraphic and tectonic investigations reveal that the plateau-wide east-west fracture zones, interpreted as “sutures ” in a plate-tectonic model, are not sutures at all. On the other hand, from the Late Carboniferous to the beginning of the Early Permian, it was impossible for the Tethys ocean with a width of several thousand kilometers to. “open ” and “close ” (the speed could not be so great). The east-west fracture zones, with very sharp angles, exerted no control over dep Lateral compression caused by weak tension at the northern and southern terminations was not enough for Xizang and its surroundings between India and Qinghai Province of China with an area of ​​2,400,000 km2 to rise to a height of 4,000 m above mean sea level. The authors believe that surge tectonics is the force driving the evolution of the Tethys Sea and the rising of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. GGT demonstrates that two surge channels, an upper and a lower, exist in the Yadong-Anduo litho sphere, and the upper mantle in the southern part is uplifted. During the Eocene, as a result of tectogenesis , molten magma poured out from the channel along the Yarlung Zangbo River, forming ophiolites and melanges, and earthquakes and terrestrial heat are also distributeDuring the earlier the Banggong Co-Nujiang and Longmu Co-Yushu Jinshajiang surge channels and their fracture zones formed. the three surge channels merged laterally, and then the unity rise of the Qinghai -Xizang Plateau took place. The formation and evolution of the surge channels resulted in a variety of worthy Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic exploration targets and a series of sedimentary basins with the largest Qamdo Basin occupying 120,000 km2 with sediments attaining a thickness of 15 , 000 m. These basins contain multiple source-beds, reservoirs, traps and seals of different ages, showing oil and gas every-where. In the northern part lithology and facies are more stable than in the southern, and subsequent tectonic overprinting and volcanic At present commercial oil flow has been penetrated by drilling in the Tertiary Lunpola Basin.
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