Brief Analysis to Hemingway’s Writing Style

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  [Abstract]Hemingway, a great language master, whose works deserve deep research for its unique charming and moral. The paper explores how Hemingway’s developed such writing style.
  [Key Words]Hemingway; writing style, reasons
  1. Introduction
  Ernst Hemingway, an American novelist of the mid-twentieth century, was born in a prosperous Chicago, suburb, Oak Park, Illinois, on July 21st, 1899. However, in the early morning of July 2nd, 1961, standing beside his beloved gun rack in his home, he died of head wounds resulting from the discharge of his favorite shotgun, in his own hand. During his whole life, he has written 16 pieces of works, which are great cultural heritage for all our human beings.
  2. Contents of His Writing Style
  Before Hemingway, many American writers were just following the formal style of the British literature. They were long sentences adorned with many adjectives and adverbs, aiming at beautiful descriptions and piled words. In the decades of 20th century, American literature achieved a new diversity and reached its greatest heights. The modern tradition of literature rich in learning and allusive thoughts had been established. Hemingway was one of the writers that helped to precede the revolution. He began his distinctive style in the 1920s, used a way that no American fiction writer had attempted. He developed a spare, tight, reportorial prose based on simple sentence structure and used a restricted vocabulary, precise imagery, and an impersonal, dramatic tone. His simple diction, his terse sentence, vivid colloquialisms had cleansed and invigorated American language.
  Hemingway was said to have been a man of few words in his innovative style. It has been said that Hemingway was a master of dialogue. The dialogue he wrote was very succinct, simple and concise. Even the changes of emotion of the character would be expressed in oral; it was just the uncomplicated dialogue that readers could learn about the characteristic of the characters. In other words, he was trying to give fewer words but more meanings.
  No dialogues in his works can be cut off. They are the necessary parts of the understanding of the works. Additionally, he would repeat important information again and again, so it is important to note anything that is said more than once. This man of few words would never say anything twice if he didn’t feel that it needed to be emphasized.
  Besides the dialogue, he also used few but accurate words to describe situation, atmosphere, character, behavior and emotion, very different from other writers, who had paid much attention to the description of the above. The words he used are common words. The sentence patterns he used are simple patterns.
  3.Reasons Why He Formed Such Writing Style
  3.1 Disguised Education
  In 1917, at the time of his graduation from middle school, he refused to enter university to receive further education. Instead, he left his parents and went to Kansas City Star, a kind of newspaper of that city. During this time, he had deeper understanding of the society because of the wide touch with all kinds of people. He had learnt how to write simple but strong short sentences and paragraphs. Though it is a short time of over one year, it led him to his wonderful writing style. After the 1st World War, he returned to American, he worked for the Toronto Star, covered the Graco-Turkish war as a foreign correspondent, and then returned to Paris, a city full of intellectual life, creativity and genius after the war. In Paris, Hemingway--- along with other American writers accomplished a revolution in literary style and language.
  3.2 Experiencing Scores of Battles
  He experienced a great number of wars. During the 1st World War, he volunteered to serve as a driver for an American ambulance unit in France. Then he was transferred to be duty at the Italian front, where he was seriously wounded in the explosion of a mortar shell. He was the first American to be wounded in Italy during the 1st World War. Since then, the war had left incurable wounds in his mind. His thoughts for the world and the war were greatly changed. Profoundly affected by the 1st World War, his early work is cynical and disillusioned: it deals in irony and understated suffering. He also experienced the 2nd World War. He came to Italy, Turkey, Spain, England, France and China. He took part in the wars of 5 times, and there were 237 shells in his body in Italy.
  3.3 Life’s Ups and Downs
  He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for The Old Man and the Sea in 1953. In 1954, he was awarded a Nobel Prize for his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea, and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style.
  However, he was really an unlucky man. He experienced 5 times of car accidents. It was reported that he was dead in several newspapers. In 1953, he went to Africa to go hunting with his wife Mary. During that time, he had two air crashes and was nearly killed. In addition, he was hit by the thunder and lightening on many occasions.
  In any way, his life was never peaceful. He had suffered too much. Therefore, tragedy, death and war can be easily seen in his works. He kept living in such conditions until his memory and ability to create wonderful works were very poor. His life was mixed with uncountable struggles.
  4. Conclusion
  Hemingway is a great writer and we believe he is a true man. We respect him indeed. According to Hemingway’s Iceberg Theory, we can easily enjoy the one eighth of his work. If we want to get full understanding to know about the seven eighths that under the water, it is necessary to read his works again and again. It is just the same as the gold mine. We will find gold in them every time we go in. the more we explore, the more we will gain.
  [1]Page, Norman, ed. Modern Novelist. Hemingway[M].Hong Kong:The Macmillan Press LTD, 1992
  [2]Williams, Wirt. The Tragic Art of Ernest Hemingway[M].Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1981
“教育是把双刃剑。好的教育,让人走向睿智;反之,让人愚昧,而且愚昧得不可理喻。教育的目的不仅是要灌输知识、培养技能,更重要的是要铸就精神!学习的根本目的在于做人,而学会做人最重要的是要有文化的根基,要有民族文化的根基。爱国主义教育,应是教育的主要内涵;为祖国服务,应成为受教育者求学的最大动力!”郑强教授在演讲中这样讲到。  国家谈教育,社会谈教育,教育究竟“教”的什么?“育”的什么?教育的目的不仅
苏霍姆林斯基说:“教育技巧的全部奥秘,就在于如何爱护儿童。”教书育人,是教师的天职。在教书育人中,育人是最根本的,这就要求教师不仅有知识和学问,更有堪为人师的人格和品德,有着对学生的一种无私奉献的爱,至死不渝的爱。因此,没有爱就没有教育。  爱生,正成为实施素质教育的主要前提。素质教育要求面向全体学生,这就要求教师看得更宽;素质教育要求促进学生全面发展,这就要求教师做得更细;素质教育要求学生的发展
To在英语中有两种用法:一为介词+名词/动名词;一为不定式+动词原形。许多同学在学习及考试过程中经常将两者混淆。现对其进行简要的归纳总结。    一、介词to     介词to表示“向”、“往”、“直到……为止”、“给”、“对于”、“按”、“比”,既可以指时间、方向、距离、对象或结果,又可以指程度、直接或间接关系,后面必须接名词、代词或数词,构成介词短语,通常作表语、宾语补足语、状语或后置定语。例
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