Innovations in the Instructional Mode of the Open

来源 :中国远程教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xunmengya
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  In the light of current trends in the educational reforms in China as well as reforms in the instructional mode as proposed for the Open University of China (OUC), this article presents ten predictions on developments in the instructional mode of OUC. Using the conceptual framework of instructional mode and informed by reforms in instructional modes both at home and abroad, the article dwells on ten issues - instructional theory, goal orientation, education mode, learning mode, learning resources, learning support, teacher-student relationship, technology application, instructional design, and evaluation methods. It is hoped that these ten predictions may be of relevance to the ongoing reform in the instructional mode of OUC.
  Keywords: Open University; instructional mode; innovation
  Towards an Integrated Design of Face-to-face and Online Tuition
  in Open Universities
  Hu Xinsheng, Zhang Zhaoxia, Xiong Kun and Zhang Fuping
  Learner diversity is a challenge for open universities in China. It is argued that an integrated approach to designing face-to-face and online tuition for distance courses is of significance for dealing with learner diversity. Drawing on theories of effective teaching and individualized teaching, this article expounds on the guiding principles and connotations of such an approach in the light of typical characteristics of open university students. Informed by lessons learnt from Shenzhen Radio and Television University, the article also identifies areas for further research and practice.
  Keywords: Open University; distance learner; effective teaching; individualized teaching; integrated design
  Dialogue and Monologue: Interpreting the Distance Teaching
  Reforms of Shanghai Television University
  Xu Hao
  This article draws on the five-year-long comprehensive teaching reforms implemented by Shanghai Television University. The author first discusses the goal, content, and methods of teaching reforms in the form of dialogue. He then goes on to offer his analyses of and reflections on several arguments in the form of monologue. These arguments are as follows. A teaching reform is not a revolution; there is hardly any teaching reform which leaves nothing to be desired; the resistance to the teaching reform may come from the reformers themselves; there is no royal road to teaching reforms.
  Keywords: distance education; teaching reform
  Non-formal Learning Research in China: A Literature Review   Zhang Weiping and Pu Li’e
  This article reviews non-formal learning research literature in China, including journal publications and degree theses from 2004-2010. Results from the review indicate that non-formal learning research in China is not well developed, in particular in terms of scope. There are very few studies focusing on non-formal learning of children, junior youth, and senior citizens who are believed to benefit more from this form of learning. The article also presents recommendations for future research.
  Keywords: non-formal learning; content analysis; literature review
  Edutainment: Designing and Implementing Language Learning
  Supported by Technology
  Sun Zhong, Xu Min and Wu Minhua
  Technology-enhanced online resources and edutainment bring affordances for foreign language learning. Technology-enhanced edutainment can be conducive to promoting language learning. This article reports on a study of the impact which online edutainment resources and activities have on English learning among Chinese university students. The study, which involved undergraduates in a Chinese university as participants, was made up of three phases- pre-study survey, design and development of an online edutainment resources website, and forming quasi-virtual learning partnership. Findings from the study show that edutainment produced positive impacts on the participants’ use of language learning strategies and enhanced the way they entertained themselves in the online environment. It is also found that virtual learning partnership makes a quality English learning experience.
  Keywords: edutainment; foreign language learning; language learning strategy; learning partnership
  A Study of Factors Affecting Learners’ Participation and
  Sharing Behavior in Virtual Learning Communities
  Zhang Haofeng and Zhao Yaoyuan
  Knowledge sharing is an objective of virtual learning communities. Nevertheless, there exist many obstacles to sharing knowledge online. Drawing on the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Network Ties, this article proposes a model of knowledge sharing in virtual learning communities in an attempt to demonstrate its affecting factors. Issues such as participants’ attitude to knowledge sharing, subjective norm, self-efficacy for knowledge innovation, self-efficacy for the Web, and social network ties are found to affect knowledge sharing and strategies aiming to improve online knowledge sharing behaviors are discussed accordingly.
  Keywords: Virtual Learning Community; Virtual Community; knowledge sharing; Theory of Planned Behavior
书途同归  2020年,中国图书零售市场全部图书定价总额首次出现负增长;受疫情影响,2月初,全国90.7%的书店选择停业,超过99%的书店没有正常收入,77.62%的书店最初预计坚持不到三个月。留给实体书和书店的时间和空间,更少了。活下来的,各有各的办法。  “读库”的“特色”之路,“书萌”抱团取暖,“一页folio”开发周边,还有百花齐放的离河、精神食粮、多抓鱼等书店……在这个时代,唱衰书店很容
2013年11月20日-22日,非洲虚拟大学(African Virtual University,AVU)将在肯尼亚举办第一届国际研讨会。此次研讨会的主题是:整合eLearning和开放教育,提高非洲的优质教育与培训。预计将有100多名来自ICT教育的学者和大学研究者参加,共同讨论eLearning和开放教育融合的可行性和挑战。  非洲虚拟大学校长Bakary Diallo将结合ICT在教育中的
Martin Smith博士就职于英国开放大学(OUUK)教育技术研究所 ,之前曾任英国哈德斯菲尔德大学计算数学学院国家高等教育研究主任。在英国开放大学工作期间,他担任责任教师(Staff Tutor),负责英国东南部地区数学和计算科学课程的兼职辅导教师的学术管理工作。同时,他还主持新课程模块的开发和试用工作。 2009年,他调到英国开放大学教育技术研究所工作,现担任教育技术研究所网络和远程教育(
韓国一家公司在一条废弃的公路隧道内经营着该国最大的室内“智能农场”。在这里,不是太阳而是LED灯照耀在多层垂直架上。  The South Korean company NextOn is operating an indoor “smart farm” inside a former road tunnel (隧道).  The farm produces fruits and vegetabl
【摘 要】  本文基于缩小农民“信息沟”这一视角,对农村党员干部现代远程教育的功能效用进行了分析。文章通过对湖南省怀化市6县(市)进行调查、访谈后得出结论:农村党员干部现代远程教育在农村的信息可接入性、提高农民信息利用能力、培养农民信息意识等方面具有明显的效用优势。  【关键词】农村党员干部现代远程教育;信息沟;功能效用     【中图分类号】G40-034【文献标识码】B【文章编号】 1009—
【摘 要】  异步会议系统/论坛用途非常广泛,在提高远程教育教与学的质量方面有很大潜能。研究者认为这种潜能体现在能把对话、交流和社交临场融入在线学习中。然而并非使用这种异步技术就能自然而然实现对话、交流和社交临场这些有助于在线学习的优势。学生参与度低,论坛帖子质量参差不齐,至少有一些学生和辅导教师不满意异步交互活动——这都是普遍存在的问题。本文拟阐述英国开放大学如何通过鼓励课程组更加注重论坛教学活
【摘 要】  我国现代远程教育试点十余年来取得了突破性的进展,招生规模进一步扩大,精品课程建设成果显著,课程资源共享与学分互认进展突出,但仍存在一些不足。课程内容是实现课程目标所采取的一种手段,课程内容的选择与组织在很大程度上取决于课程目标。同时,课程内容、课程任务是课程目标的体现,好的课程应该是目标、内容、任务三者统一,最终实现学生知识结构、能力水平的提升。本文将以三所高校网院的“C语言程序设计
在校园技术(the Campus Technology)今年8月的波士顿会议上,加拿大国家研究委员会学习和绩效支持系统项目负责人斯蒂芬·道恩斯解释了创新和变革的不同。  2008年,道恩斯作为世界上的第一门超大规模在线开放课程(Mooc)的联合创始人,开启了在线教育的革命。但道恩斯认为那并不能变革教育。Mooc改变的只是交付方式,而不是课程。如果想要改变教育,必须改变看待教学和内容的方式。  道恩
【摘 要】  一直以来,校本研修被看做是教师提高教学质量,实现自我发展的重要途径。职前教师校本研修更是职前教师提高教学技能、加快自身成长、不断促进教师专业化发展的过程。基于视频标识技术的职前教师校本研修是以教学视频案例为载体,通过视频标识工具来完成的。本文所研究的基于视频标识技术的职前教师校本研修在现行条件下具有一定的可行性,而且省时省力,是职前教师非常受欢迎的校本研修模式。  【关键词】 视频标
Natasha Lock来自英国,是就读于北京大学燕京学堂的研究生。在过去的几年里,她游历中国,慢慢地理解了中国的文化、历史、现实和变化,并被中国独特的魅力深深吸引。  “When it comes to China, you can never know enough.” These are the words on the first page of the book, Law and Soc