Research Innovations in soil physics

来源 :第20届国际土壤与耕作研究组织大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jsxhshh123456
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  Soil is one of the most critical life-supporting compartments of the Biosphere.It provides numerous ecosystem services such as a habitat for biodiversity,water and nutrients,as well as producing food,feed,fiber and energy.Soils undergo intense and irreversible changes due to a none site adjusted land management and improper application of machinery and techniques in its broadest sense.However,to feed the rapidly growing world population in 2050,agricultural food production must be doubled using the same land resources footprint.
  Subsoil constraints are widespread in agroecosystems in the world,and their amelioration is costly and often practically infeasible.These constraints includ
  It is well acknowledged that nitrous oxide(N2O)is a major greenhouse gas(GHG),which is mostly derived from agriculture.About 58%of GHG emissions from agricu
  Increasing demand for biofuels sources has motivated the need for knowledge about diverse crops or rotated crops for ethanol yield and nutrient removal,a ve
  Conventional soil tillage include practices to enhance plant nutrient acquisition by modifying water infiltration,aeration,temperature regimes and organic m
  Visual evaluation of soil structure(VESS)has being used to compare soil with contrasting textures,tillage,crop rotations,agricultural traffic,land use and g
  Conservation tillage has taken its position among other tillage options in boreal conditions during the last two decades.The reduction of tillage intensity
  Tillage practices play an important role in the sustainable agriculture system.Conservative tillage practice can help to reduce soil erosion,increase soil f
  The structure and pore related functions of a tilled soil layer vary dynamically under the impact of wetting and drying(WD)cycles.Our objective in this stud
  Cultivation,seeding and weed control are fundamental to arable production.In the developed world these activities use increasingly large machinery with tyre