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温婉、柔美、端庄、妩媚……Ferragamo 女装系列,把淑女的气质传递得无懈可击。你不禁要想,在这些完美的服装背后,是怎样的一个人、怎样的一个灵魂,在付出她的灵感与心血。门铃响了,推门进来的几个人中,你的目光首先被她吸引。黑色绣花的西装上衣,衬着一件黑色高领衫,佩着两条别致的金质项链和一条简单的珍珠项链,优雅而高贵。金色的头发有些张扬,棱角分明的脸庞,气质很像一个电影明星。其实她也是一个明星,但不是在电影行业,而是在时装行业,她就是 Ferragamo 第二代传人,女装成衣部负责人 Giovanna Ferragamo Gentile。Giovanna 此次上海之行,是为了参加为期六天的上海时装周。虽然是刚刚下飞机。Giovanna还是精神奕奕,完全没有旅途跋涉的倦意,态度和蔼地在酒店里接受了记者的采访,全然没有时装大牌掌门人的架子。Giovanna 轻声细语,带着女性的温柔,让人想起小时候躺在母亲怀里昕故事的感觉,完全忘记了她是一个在意大利时尚界前沿驰骋了几十个春秋的人。言谈之间,她还会不经意地流露出小女孩般的羞涩。用“清水出芙蓉”来形容这位年过花甲的人,似乎有些不适合,但是好像除此之外,竟再也找不到更恰当的词语了。 Gentle, soft, dignified, charming ... Ferragamo women’s series, the ladies temperament passed impeccable. You can not help wondering what kind of person, what kind of soul is behind these perfect clothes, and paying her inspiration and effort. The doorbell rang, the door came in a few people, your eyes first attracted to her. Black embroidered suit jacket, lined with a black turtleneck, wearing two chic gold necklaces and a simple pearl necklace, elegant and noble. Some blond hair publicity, angular face, temperament much like a movie star. In fact, she is also a star, but not in the movie industry, but in the fashion industry, she is the second generation of Ferragamo descendants, head of the women’s clothing department Giovanna Ferragamo Gentile. Giovanna’s trip to Shanghai, is to attend a six-day Shanghai Fashion Week. Although it is just off the plane. Giovanna is still full of energy, there is no tired journey, the attitude of hospitality in the hotel interviewed by reporters, there is no fashion big head of the shelf. Giovanna whispered softly with femininity reminiscent of the story of a mother lying in her arms when she was a child, completely forgetting that she was a dozens of men and women in the forefront of Italian fashion. Between conversations, she also inadvertently shows little girl shy. Use “water out of hibiscus,” to describe the man who spent years, seems to be a bit unsuitable, but as if in addition, actually no longer find a more appropriate words.
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