Life Cycle Assessment,Estimation and Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential of New Energy

来源 :Advances in Climate Change Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sysbot
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From the perspective of life cycle assessment(LCA),the development,construction,and operation of all kinds of new energy power generation technologies release greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions.This sparks concerns about the lowcarbon nature of the new energy power generation technologies.Based on national and international literature review, this paper estimates and compares the GHG emission factors of traditional thermal power generation and new energy power generation technologies in China with the LCA approach.The GHG mitigation potential of new energy power generation technologies as substitution for traditional thermal power generation in China was evaluated,according to the objectives of new energy power generation of the national development planning.The results show that the GHG emission factors of new energy power generation are much lower than that of traditional thermal power generation even with LCA accounting,and the GHG mitigation potential of new energy substitution is huge. From the perspective of life cycle assessment (LCA), the development, construction, and operation of all kinds of new energy power generation technologies release greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This sparks concerns about the low carbon nature of the new energy power generation technologies. Based on national and international literature review, this paper estimates and comparable the GHG emission factors of traditional thermal power generation and new energy power generation technologies in China with the LCA approach. GHG mitigation potential of new energy power generation technologies as substitution for traditional thermal power generation in China was evaluated, according to the objectives of new energy power generation of the national development planning. the results show that the GHG emission factors of new energy power generation are much lower than that of traditional thermal power generation even with LCA accounting, and the GHG mitigation potential of new energy substitution is huge.
我女儿今年8岁,我发现她上体育课时不会跳绳,老师教了方法后,她总不能按照老师的动作去跳,每次跳的时候都是双脚一起蹦。我看得挺着急的。而且班里跳 When my daughter is 8