
来源 :四川农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dhamma
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红苕根腐病,是我县1988年新发现的一种病害,目前渭溪、铜溪等地也有发生。红苕感染这种病后,轻者减产三四成,重者无收,应加强防治。红苕根腐病主要发生在大田生长期,其症状表现是:苗床期:病苕较健康苕出苗晚,出苗率低。幼苗发病,叶色淡黄,苕藤短小,须根尖端和中部有黑褐色病斑,严重时整个苕块腐烂。 Red cotyledons root rot, is a newly discovered disease in our county in 1988, at present, Wei River, Tong Xi and other places have also occurred. Red crab infection after the disease, the light reduction of 34%, severe cases of no income, should strengthen prevention and control. Rhizome root rot occurs mainly in the field growth stage, the symptoms are: seedbed stage: sick 苕 late emergence than healthy,, emergence rate is low. Emergence of seedlings, leaf color yellow, short rattan vine, fibrous tip and middle of the dark brown spots, the whole block serious in decay.
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
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