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在职教专业建设中,专业群建设越来越受到重视。我校在探索专业群建设中,树立对接产业,立足核心,助推两翼,共享资源,提升内涵的专业群建设思路,采取提高专业建设战略地位,深化人才培养模式改革,强化优质师资队伍建设,全面推进专业教学改革,加大校企合作力度,提炼“和”文化等措施,收到了显著成效。 In the construction of vocational education, the construction of professional groups is getting more and more attention. In exploring the construction of professional groups, our school has set up a professional group construction idea of ​​docking industry, based on the core, boosting wings, sharing resources and enhancing connotation, taking the strategic position of professional construction, deepening the reform of personnel training mode, strengthening the construction of qualified teachers, We have achieved remarkable success by comprehensively advancing professional teaching reform, intensifying the cooperation between schools and enterprises, and refining the culture of “and ”.
Ta/NiO/NiFe/Ta multilayers were prepared by radio frequency reactive and dc magnetron sputtering. The exchange coupling field between NiO and NiFe reached 9.6×
A fundamental theory for the analysis of residual welding stresses and deformation based on the inherent strain distribution along the welded joint is introduce
1958年2月底,余秋里来到德胜门外石油部大楼正式赴任石油部部长。 上任之初,余秋里连续用了两周时间,深入部机关,认真调研。在之后短短的两个月内,余秋里主持召开了7次部党
面对自由贸易这一发展趋势,如果不能作出相应的战略调整,那么,我们的产品不仅难以打入和占领国际市场,即使已占领的市场,也可能会失去。 In the face of this trend of free
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患者女,40岁.2年前出现阵发性心慌、乏力,自2个月前出现颜面及双下肢肿、乏力,遂来院诊治.入院后经检查诊断:急性肾炎,低钾血症.住院第3天患者诉剑突附近不适、疼痛、纳差、乏力.查体:腹软,剑下压痛(+).行胃镜检查发现:食管中段,距门齿约29~33 cm食管段右后侧壁约4点处,见一约2 cm×4 cm×0.5 cm大小白色新生物隆起,突入管腔,似菜花状,广基,表面粗糙不平,似十二指肠黏膜乳头状绒