Jin Wei Abandoned the position as CEO of Suntech

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  On the morning of September 14, Suntech announced the leave of Jin Wei. After pushing Suntech through the restructuring, Jin Wei finally chose to leave this company.
  Jin Wei was neither founder of Suntech nor the grand contributor to the company in its early period, but he indeed witnessed the personnel changes, disruption of business and the bankruptcy of the company after he joined it two years ago.
  Before joining Suntech, Jin Wei did not have an attractive resume. He once worked as the Dream Engineer of Walt Disney, as well as in the Bechtel Group and Tetra Tech. In May 2005, he was appointed CFO of Suntech.
  His difference from others was apparently shown in 2012. On August 15, Suntech’s founder Shi Zhengrong gave the CEO position to Jin Wei. It is said the change of leadership was because Jin Wei knew of the financial problems of Shi Zhengrong and Suntec. Therefore the two respectively assumed different duties: Jin Wei took care of the operation of the company while Shi Zhengrong, board chairman of Suntech, was responsible for collecting funds to save Suntech.
  This March, Shi Zhengrong was deprived of the position as board chairman of Suntech by a group of directors, including Jin Wei. After that, Shi almost lost the control over Suntech.
  A source knowing the management of Suntech says that Jin Wei possibly did not want to stand opposite Jin Wei. He did this because of the legal affairs and the company’s going public. But it is rarely known to others that Jin Wei worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Hong Kong and the U.S. for a long time, which cast his strict and careful personality.
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