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领导班子的整体效应问题,是保障事业成功的首要问题,大到一个国家,小到一个单位,如果领导班子不团结,不协调,不合作,不能形成强大的合力,整个班子的凝聚力战斗力就会削弱,事业就会受损,群众就会受害,班子的整体效应自然无从谈起。 有鉴于此,作为领导班子的一把手以及班子成员,必须对形成、保持、发挥和不断增强领导班子的整体效应问题,有清醒的认识,足够的重视。要深入研究,措施有力,做到从零开始,从我做起, The overall effect of the leading bodies is the primary issue in guaranteeing the success of the undertaking. From one country to as few as one unit, if the leading bodies are not united, uncoordinated and uncooperative, they can not form a strong synergy and the cohesive fighting power of the whole team will Weakened, the cause will be damaged, the masses will suffer, the overall effect of the team naturally can not talk about. In view of this, as the number one leader and member of the leading group, we must have a clear understanding and sufficient attention to the issue of forming, maintaining, giving play to and continuously enhancing the overall effect of the leading group. To study in depth, effective measures, so that from scratch, starting from me,
AIM: To investigate the effects of salvianolic acid B(Sal B) on the morphological characteristics and functions of liver mitochondria of rats with nonalcoholic
The principal means of conserving water and utilizing hydropower in China is to exploit the use of a series of reservoirs in a cascade. This method and its inhe
文章从海山听涛.舟山市民大讲堂的基本情况出发,论述市民大讲堂的运作模式,并提出进一步提升讲座品牌的对策。 Based on the basic situation of Zhoushan citizen lecture
Intestinal obstruction is a common clinical entity encountered in surgical practice.The objective of this report is to corroborate an atypical scenario of intes
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“白领”比不上明星,但在今日也日益算得上是一个高雅层、时髦者们的称谓。君不 “White collar” can not compare with the star, but today is also increasingly regar