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我们从1980年1月至1985年12月采用中西医结合方法治疗泌尿系阳性结石50例,除4例服药无效改手术治疗外,结石排出者38例,症状缓解、结石下移的8例。现对这50个病例的治疗情况做一回顾,对结石形成的原因及中西医结合治疗的机理,中西医结合治疗应注意的问题等做一简单的探讨分析。一般资料本组共50例,男43例,女7例,年龄最小11岁,最大62岁,平均年龄为43岁。其中肾结石6例(左肾2例,右肾4例),输尿管结石36例(左侧13例,右侧22例,双侧1例),膀胱结石6例,尿道结石2例。肾结石病例中,除1例为鹿角形外,其余5例为圆形和椭圆形,位于肾盂或肾盏内。输尿管结石大都为桑椹形,直径0.3~0.8 cm。膀胱结石为圆形或不规则形。尿道结石为枣核形。从形态和颜色分析,多数结石为草酸钙石,一部分为尿酸石和磷酸钙石,少数为混合石。诊断疼痛,排尿异常,血尿和 X 线照相检查,是诊断泌尿系结石的主要依据。疼痛、血尿、排尿异常和突然尿闭四项中任何 We from January 1980 to December 1985 using the combination of Chinese and Western medicine treatment of urinary tract-positive stones in 50 cases, in addition to 4 cases of medication ineffective change in surgery, the stones were discharged in 38 cases, symptoms, stones down in 8 cases. Now the treatment of these 50 cases to do a review of the causes of stones and the mechanism of Integrative Medicine, Integrative Medicine should pay attention to the problem to do a simple analysis. General information The group a total of 50 cases, 43 males and 7 females, the youngest 11 years old, maximum 62 years old, with an average age of 43 years. There were 6 cases of kidney stones (2 cases of left kidney and 4 cases of right kidney), 36 cases of ureteral calculi (left side in 13 cases, right side in 22 cases, bilateral one case), bladder stones in 6 cases and urethral stones in 2 cases. In the case of kidney stones, except for 1 case of antler, the other 5 cases were round and oval, located in the renal pelvis or calyx. Ureteral stones are mostly mulberry-shaped, diameter 0.3 ~ 0.8 cm. Bladder stones are round or irregular shape. Urethral stones jujube-shaped. From the morphological and color analysis, the majority of stones for the calcium oxalate stone, uric acid stone and part of calcium phosphate stone, a small number of mixed stone. Diagnosis of pain, urination abnormalities, hematuria and radiography, is the main basis for the diagnosis of urinary stones. Pain, hematuria, abnormal micturition and sudden urinary closure in any of the four
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