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百折不挠的顽强意志在长征中淋漓尽致的体现着,长征无疑是一场力量意志与环境的顽强较量,面临崇山峻岭,面对围追堵截,面对饥寒交迫,红军几乎每一天都处在“山穷水尽”的状态。然而,任何困难都压不垮英勇的红军,在毛泽东等革命家的带领下,又似乎每一天都会迎来“柳暗花明”。不可忽视红军战胜困难的顽强意志,惨烈的湘江战役没有吓到红军,寒冷的雪山没有阻倒红军,茫茫的草地没有让红军退缩。是什么精神支撑着红军?是信念,是忠魂!因为有信念和忠魂,所以才有百折不挠。 The unyielding will of indomitable spirit embodied vividly in the Long March. The Long March is undoubtedly a staunch contest of strength, will and environment. Faced with mountains and mountains, in the face of hunger and cold, in almost every day the Red Army is at its peak. status. However, under the leadership of Mao Zedong and other revolutionaries, it seems that every difficult day, the Red Army will not crush the bravery of the Red Army. We must not ignore the tenacious will of the Red Army to overcome the difficulties. The tragic Xiangjiang Campaign did not scare the Red Army. The cold snow-capped mountains did not stop the Red Army. The vast grasslands did not let the Red Army retreat. What spirit supports the Red Army? Is the belief, is loyal! Because of faith and loyalty, so there are indomitable.
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自来水,一般是无色透明的,但水源来自江河等地面水的,常常是浑浊的,必须经过处理,变为可用的水。水浑浊到什么程度不能用?浑水又是如何变成清水的? Tap water is generally
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