Analysis of Sediment Source of Watershed in Western Shanxi of the Loess Plateau

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lan_lang_
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The paper analyzes the sediment source of watershed by means of studying watershed in westernShanxi of the Losses Plateau. On the basis of watersheds classification, 7 typical watersheds were chosen andobserved for 11 years. The result shows that the sediment at the small watershed mainly comes from gullies,which is 60% of the total sediment. Erosion modulus of valley (including gully head, gully bed, valley side)is 1.28~2.48 times as that of the area between channels(including hill slope and mound of the Loess Plateau).The main sediment source of slope erosion is cultivated land on slope without water and soil conservationmeasures. The paper analyzes the sediment source of watershed by means of studying watershed in westernShanxi of the Losses Plateau. On the basis of watersheds classification, 7 typical watersheds were chosen andobserved for 11 years. The result shows that the sediment at the small watershed mainly comes from gullies, which is 60% of the total sediment. Erosion modulus of valley (including gully head, gully bed, valley side) is 1.28 ~ 2.48 times as that of the area between channels (including hill slope and mound of the Loess Plateau). The main sediment source of slope erosion is cultivated land on slope without water and soil conservationmeasures.
1 引言 作为半导体、光导体、压电体和光波导材料的氧化锌(ZnO)在科学和技术上有着广泛的应用。ZnO引人注目的性能包括:晶体结构方面的各向异性;非化学计量缺陷结构;宽的带
摘要:本文选择所任教的两个初三班级实施了阅读策略的行动研究。首先使用调查问卷和访谈的方式,深入细致地了解了学生目前的阅读能力和阅读策略现状,并对数据进行了详细而准确的分析。之后,本文在理论研究和当前英语阅读教学实际状况结合的基础上,提出在阅读教学中如何运用有效阅读策略培养学生阅读能力的可供借鉴的有效教学模式,打破了传统的“接受式阅读”的思维定势,优化了英语阅读教学的策略。  关键词:英语阅读能力;
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