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在以往的中国书史出版印刷史论著中,对于我国古代的私家刻书,向来评价不高,认为其不过是官刻的附庸。其实,只要我们把它放在中国文化发展的历史长河中去考查,就会发现,这些私人刻书家的印刷出版活动是与他们的学术研究结合在一起的.这一点官刻似乎也有一些,坊刻就很少了。私人刻书家在搜集、整理、编辑、刻印古代典籍的过程中,同时开展了辑佚、校勘、辨伪、训诂、考据、研究版本、编纂目录以及著述和编辑丛书等一系列学术活动.建立并丰富了这些冶书之学。有的私人刻书家利用自己的财力,大胆创新,勇于探索,发展了活字、套印、(?)版、拱花等印刷技术,还有的采用影刻、复刻、影钞等方式,保持古书善本的原貌。所以,中国古籍尽管屡遭厄运,历经劫难,仍然能较为完整和系统地保存和流传下来,历代私人刻书家的功绩是不可磨灭的。 In the history of the history of the publication and printing of Chinese book history, the private engraving in ancient China has always been not highly regarded as a vassal of official inscription. In fact, as long as we put it in the long history of the development of Chinese culture, we can find out that the printing and publishing activities of these private book writers are combined with their academic researches. Inscribed little. In the course of collecting, arranging, editing, and engraving ancient books, private engraving houses also carried out a series of academic activities such as editing, collation, identification, exegesis, textual research, researching editions, compiling catalogs, and writing and editing series. These sutra book of science. Some private engravers use their own financial resources to boldly innovate and have the courage to explore and develop such printing techniques as movable type, overprinting, (?) Edition, arch flower, and some other techniques such as photolithography, engraving, The original appearance of rare. Therefore, despite repeated bad luck, Chinese ancient books can still be preserved and systematically preserved and systematically after the catastrophe. The achievements of the ancient personal clerical book writers are indelible.
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