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根据鹰爪虾的行为习性和鹰爪虾张网的渔法特点,设计了网型较大、结构合理、工艺有所改进的手编型和剪裁型两种新鹰爪虾坛张网。水池模型试验结果表明:手编型试验网的网口单位面积迎流阻力是原生产网的70%~76%,剪裁型试验网的网口单位面积迎流阻力是原生产网的64%~66%。1993~1994年春汛海上捕捞生产对比试验,手编型试验网比原生产网增产30.1%~61.6%,剪裁型试验网比原生产网增产43.3%。据两年海上试验期间随机取样10次共29组渔获物样品测定的结果:试验网比原生产网少捕鹰爪虾幼虾23.7%,春汛期间渔获物中鱼类不多,经济鱼类更少。作业中自网囊释放的幼鱼、幼虾在18、30、54小时后基本上仍然成活 According to the behavioral habits of hawk claw shrimp and the fishery characteristics of hawk claw shrimp net, two kinds of new hawk shrimp altar net with larger mesh size, reasonable structure and improved technology were designed. The results of pool model test show that the flow resistance per unit area of ​​the net mouth of the hand-woven test net is 70% ~ 76% of that of the original production net, and the flow resistance per unit area of ​​the net mouth of the tailored experimental net is 64% 66%. The comparison experiment of fishing at sea during 1993 ~ 1994 flood season showed that the hand-made test net increased by 30.1% -61.6% than that of the original production net and that of the tailor-made experimental net increased 43.3% over the original production net. According to the results of the determination of 29 fish samples during the two years of random sampling at sea during the 10-day trial period, the net of test net was 23.7% smaller than that of the original production net, and there were not many fish in the catch during the spring flood season. Less economic fish. Juveniles, juveniles released from the cysts during operation remained essentially alive after 18, 30, 54 hours
本文从统计数字、养殖模式及教育科研三方面简要介绍台湾渔业发展概况。 This article briefly introduces the general situation of Taiwan’s fishery development from
目前,意大利都灵当地政府正考虑修建一条穿越阿尔卑斯山的铁路隧道,建成后它将把法国的布里扬松和意大利的乌尔克斯连接起来,其长度约为24km。 由意大利和法国两国咨询公司
ICE列车一停好 ,三面的 1 2个 (一打 )清洗机械手就会同时进行清洗作业。每个机械手均要完成确定的作业 ,而且有固定的规定时间。德国铁路清洗公司 ( Bahnreinigungs Gmb H)