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  ◆Donald Trump collected bottles
  The president-elect and billionaire①real-estate mogul grew up wealthy, but he says his father wanted him to learn the value of money early on.
  As a child, his father, real estate developer Fred Trump, would take him to construction② sites and have him and his brother pick up empty soda bottles to redeem③ for cash, Trump tells Forbes.
  He says that he didn’t make much, but it taught him to work for his money.
  ◆Hillary Clinton supervised④ park activities
  Clinton writes in her autobiography⑤ Hard Choices that she got her fi rst paying job, other than babysitting, at 13, supervising a small park a few miles from her home in the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge.
  The former secretary of state says she had to lug⑥ a wagon full of balls, bats, and jump ropes back and forth three days a week that summer.
  "My parents believed in self-reliance⑦ and hard work, and they made sure we kids learned the value of a dollar and appreciated the dignity of a job well done." she writes.
  ◆Barack Obama scooped ice cream
  As a teenager growing up in Honolulu, Obama got his fi rst gig working the counter at Baskin-Robbins, Time reports.
  ◆Madeline Albright sold bras
  Albright became the fi rst female secretary of state, serving under President Bill Clinton. She made it into the US as a political refugee⑧ from Czechoslovakia.
  She got her first job selling bras at a department store in Denver, she tells Forbes, and adds that she probably made next to nothing but learned how to deal with people in diffi cult situations.

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During the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876, "crazy horse", the leader of the Sioux Tribe① of Indians once said: "Hóka-héy, today is a good day to die!"  In today’s world, I can’t imagine in which oc
I think for me, having a magnifying① glass on my life has been a good thing, and kind of a diffi cult thing at times②, because you feel like you literally③ just can’t get away with④ anything. Sometime
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I’m Claire Morgan of the Times Square Alliance①and, as you all can see, the ball has stopped half way to its perch②. It’s suspended③ there to remind us before we pop the champagne④ and celebrate⑤ the
You are only here temporarily①, but most of the atoms in your body are forever. We will deal with the tiny exception at the end of the answer, but let’s look at what happens to most of you:  You die.
Outside Luoyang toward the east and west, The people say good-bye and start to go. When I left here, the snow was like the blooms; When I come back, the blooms are like the snow.  洛陽城东西,长作经时别。昔去雪如花,今来