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  You are only here temporarily①, but most of the atoms in your body are forever. We will deal with the tiny exception at the end of the answer, but let’s look at what happens to most of you:
  You die. I’m very sorry.
  You are either buried (embalmed② or not) or burned. There are a few other options, but they are rare.
  If you are buried, your soft tissues③ are eventually eaten by bacteria④ and small organisms⑤. Much of that becomes carbon dioxide⑥, and the rest becomes the bodies of these organisms or their children.
  If you are burned, your soft tissues are consumed by oxygen and mostly turned into carbon dioxide, water, and some nitrogen⑦ and sulfur oxides.
  In both cases, though, the long term destination for those chemicals is the biosphere. You become food for other organisms.
  Even your bones decay, albeit much more slowly. The calcium⑧ and phosphorus in bones will be incorporated into plants.
  Some day the plants will be consumed by animals. Those animals will eventually die, be consumed, and cycle through the biosphere over and over again.
  Eventually, tiny bits of you will end up in your great grandchildren’s corn fl akes or pork chop.
  You really WILL live on - in the life on this planet.
  Oh, the exception: radioactive elements. You don’t have many, but a few of your elements will decay into other elements before entering the biosphere. Radioactive potassium will turn into calcium. Tiny amounts of thorium and uranium will eventually become lead. With most of this decay, the new elements formed stay here on earth.
  But with that last set, helium is formed. Earth’s gravity isn’t strong enough to hold helium, and so tiny bits of what once was you will fl oat off into space.
  Some will be captured by the sun and Jupiter. A little will escape the solar system and drift off to the stars.
  Your atoms have an exciting life after yours is over!

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