
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guanxinyang
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党的十七大报告要求:“建立和完善军民结合、寓军于民的武器装备科研生产体系、军队人才培养体系和军队保障体系,坚持勤俭建军,走出一条中国特色军民融合式发展路子。”我国经济社会的快速发展,为军民结合、寓军于民提供了更为有利的条件。同时,也要求我们积极探索新形势下军民结合、寓军于民的新途径新方法,在更广范围、更高层次、更深程度上把国防和军队现代化建设融入经济社会发展体系。浙江省军地各级坚持以科学发展观为指导,全面贯彻落实这一重要指示精神,认真做好融合大文章,着力走开军民融合式的发展路子,从而推进国防和军队建设又好又快发展。“居安思危,情系国防!”浙江省军地各级在全面建设小康社会伟大进程中,认真贯彻落实军民融合战略思想,积极推进新时期国防动员建设,走开了一条军民融合式的发展路子,书写出了一篇篇精彩文章。 The report of the 17th National Congress of the CPC requires: “To establish and perfect a military and civilian scientific research and production system integrating military forces and civilian forces, military personnel training system and military support system, adhere to diligence and thrift to build the military, and step out of a fusion path of military and civilian integration with Chinese characteristics . ”The rapid development of our economy and society has provided even more favorable conditions for the integration of the army and the people and for the army to serve the people." At the same time, it also requires us to actively explore new ways and means of combining military forces with civilian areas and integrate the military into the people under the new situation. We should integrate national defense and army modernization into the system of economic and social development on a broader scale, at a higher level and at a deeper level. At all levels of the military in Zhejiang Province, they have consistently adhered to the guidance of the scientific concept of development, fully implemented the spirit of this important directive, conscientiously done a good job of merging large articles, and tried hard to walk away from the integration path of military and civilian integration so as to promote sound and rapid national defense and army building development of. In the great process of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, all levels of the military forces in Zhejiang Province have conscientiously implemented the strategic thinking of integrating military and civilian areas, actively promoted the building of national defense mobilization in the new period, and walked away from the integration of civil and military development Way, wrote a wonderful article.
我想念灯影里的锦里古街  人海挤攘,打乱我慢节奏的漫游  这里可比清明上河,笙歌笛音  酒屋悬挂红灯笼,茶坊亦是云上闹市  我看到五色光——把天空染成了青城  我只偏爱绸铺,大屋端坐秀发齐肩的少女  街头存放摇滚鼓点,巷尾传来撕心伴唱  幸有临街杨树下,摆设凉粉摊  阿婶兼卖果汁、奶茶、甜水面  老成都人的杯底,都有一朵盛开的黄菊  我不爱甜腻的色彩和味道  繁华的小街,人人要赶赴太平盛世  梅香
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文章论证了经费绩效评估体系的要素结构,对当前经费绩效评估指标作了分类,提出了经费绩效评估体系的手段支持。 The article demonstrates the elemental structure of the