Asymmetric reduction of α-hydroxy aromatic ketones to chiral aryl vicinal diols using carrot enzymes

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhk42
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Asymmetric reduction ofα-hydroxy aromatic ketones was carried out by using carrot enzymes system,yielding corresponding chiral vicinal diols with special functional groups.The optimum reaction conditions were obtained after investigation of various influencing factors.Chiral aryl vicinal diols were produced with good yields and excellent enantiomeric excesses under appropriate conditions.Meanwhile,the steric factors and electronic effects of the substituents on the aromatic ring were shown to have an interesting influence on both yield and enantioselectivity. Asymmetric reduction of α-hydroxy aromatic ketones was carried out by using carrot enzymes system, yielding corresponding chiral vicinal diols with special functional groups. The optimum reaction conditions were obtained after investigation of various influencing factors. Chiral aryl vicinal diols were produced with good yields and excellent enantiomeric excesses under appropriate conditions. While the steric factors and electronic effects of the substituents on the aromatic rings were shown to have an interesting influence on both yield and enantioselectivity.
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